
My dad decided he needed to get out of the house today. He should not drive but that's another story. He was gone for about 4 hours cones home and straight to bed. I checked on him he said he was freezing something he says a lot these days, and that he got sick while he was out. I asked if there was anything I could get for him. He tells me yes I could use a blanket that keeps me warm not this crapy one you gave me. Mind you he had 3 blankets on. So I find another one he says well if that's all you have, then he asks for my blanket and my daughters blanket. The ones he has are just as warm. Them he says he's Hungry he wants oatmeal so I make it ask what he'd like to drink. He says water if you can manage it. I'm bitting my toung this whole time. He then tells me I'm a cold hearted woman who doesn't care about him. Mind you I had a nice day up until I went to check on him. Just seems nothing is good enough for him these days. I do love him but his words hurt. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

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Not knowing what your dad's impairments are, I'm just going to ask if he's been evaluated for depression. Aldo, please check the condition of the car. Might he have had an accident?

Also, you might check to see if he has a fever (often accompanied by chills). Could he have the flu?

Dupont24, sometimes when we are under the weather we will says things we don't mean because we feel so lousy.

As Babalou had mentioned above, which was my first thought, too, check the condition of his car.

Being that he feels like he is freezing, is your Dad on thyroid pills? Having a thyroid condition can make someone feel like they just can't get warm.

Dupont, I'm willing to bet he got lost in the car and it took him all that time to find his way home. Gosh, he should not be driving, it could kill him or worse if he kills someone else you lose everything.

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