My great grama is 96 years old and she has recently become blind. Me and my grama visit her lots and try to keep her company but she is depressed and we need some advice on what activities what we could do for her. She has always walked her dog and knitting but now, she tells me she just wants to die 😢 please help???
stimulation. Good Luck!!
see if your library can suggest local groups catering to her needs. Can you and your grandma still take her for walks with one of you on each side?
Would she enjoy being read to? Sitting out in the warm sunshine, eating an ice cream cone? Folding small towels?
I think her reaction to being blind is totally understandable. Who wouldn't be depressed with that happening? But I would talk to her doctor about whether a mild antidepressant might help. It won't make her happy with her situation but it may help her cope a little better.
Conversation that all three of you contribute to would be good. Each of you tell about how you met your spouse. What was the most frightening experience you ever had? What did you like to cook most? Was there anything you cooked for your family that you really didn't like yourself? If you could go back to any age, what would it be? What did you do for fun when you were a child?
Let us know what you try, and how it works out. We learn from each other!