My wonderful 90-year-old mother has been plagued with bladder infections all year and has been on 20 antibiotics. Now she has c. diff. and is struggling to recover. The bladder infections make her dizzy, cranky and combative and exhausted, and the c. diff. is a nightmare.
In January she was dizzy, confused and disoriented from a bladder infection, jumped out of bed to answer an imaginary doorbell around sunrise, and fell and broke her leg.
I have tried everything I know to help with the infections: cranberry juice, cranberry pills, vitamin c, lots of water, lots of rest and exercise, yoga to help her immune system and stamina, 20 antibiotics, I've gotten her Ready Wipes to use in the bathroom, and a bidet, but just had her tested yesterday and she has another infection. It's heartbreaking. She has such a wonderful quality of life when she is not worn out from the illnesses, and these infections are just taking over our lives.
Could it be the Poise Pads and Depends she uses?
Berries and melon are ok to eat.
I can only speak for myself as a longtime caregiver for a mom with recurrent antibiotic resistant UTIs, but been there done that (and STILL doing that) with yogurt/acidophilus, cranberry, hydration, impeccable hygiene, no/low sugar diet, changing 'Attends' frequently, etc. UTIs are, sadly, the bane of existence for many folks which is just a heartbreaking reality. My dad went sepsis twice due to UTIs via enlarged prostate issues and now my mom is fighting her sixth UTI this year... And is running out of antibiotics to try. A crying shame, as she is the most vibrant albeit compromised lady in her outstanding six person board and care. I am intrigued by the estrogen cream suggestion (thank you for sharing that here!!!) and will pursue that if it has potential for mom.
Lastly, speaking as a fifty plus woman, do any of you wizened folks know if doing kegel exercises now would be helpful for blade health later in life? Many thanks~
If she does have diagnosed UTI's, did the Cipro work for her?
And In the nursing home for rehab went from okay to bad, I was hands on all right. My husband and I were there each day at different times, sometimes twice a day. Each time we had to remedy another situation.
IE: To give pills without having the patient drink 8 oz of water, but just a little to get the pills down is craziness. Water is what flushes the body. Or they will wisk their dinner plate away when they haven't eaten, saying he didn't eat any dinner. Well, there's a red flag! How about diarhea 10x a day...hello?
I get angry with the whole thing which I have been battling for the last 6 weeks. Minute by minute there are changes. Grrrr
He went in first and it cleared up. A month later he had another and a long stay in the hospital and I finally attributed it to adult underwear. They loaded him up on all kinds of anti before the culture came back.
Thus he ended up with C Diff which is horrible and we are battling that now. Terrible stuff. He has gone from walking around normally 3 wks ago to being totally weak and having to be fed.
We brought him home since the nursing home where he was rehabing would leave him in wetness and poop for lengths of when the bed alarm went off, they did not get there soon enough and he would fall. He did not remember that he needed help to pee and he forgot how to call the nurse. The question is would the nurse even get there soon enough! At the hospital..yes...nursing
This nursing home had excellent ratings. Perhaps that is because those who got the best care did not have dementia. I don't know.
Her doctor's kind of given up and sent her to an infectious disease specialist. We're going to be so glad when this is all under control. At least we can laugh about it (most of the time)...
Is she drinking enough water? If she gets dehydrated, her urine will be concentrated. Our bladders need plenty of water to flush out any bacteria that might be growing. I do agree that a visit to a urologist, if you haven't done so, is probably a good idea. As for the C-Dif, it is a very infectious bacteria that grows in feces. It is often found in institutions such as hospitals or nursing homes where proper there are poor hygiene practices. C-Dif is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. The best protection is probably as already suggested-- that she maintain a bacterial flora in her intestants that can help to ward off the invasion of C-Dif.
Good luck. UTI's are the worst.
Glad to hear you, your mom and dogs are all doing well!
Thank you!
The urologist/gynocologist should have done a CULTURE on the urine to see just what 'bacteria' is present. If this hasn't been done, please request that a culture be done. Most time they will NOT do a culture until requested. That being said I also agree that ANYONE using ANTIbiotics, needs to take PRObiotics between antibiotic doses to repopulate the system with GOOD bacteria. NO bacteria in the system is almost as detrimental as the existence of 'bad' bacteria in the system. We (mother and I) used D-Mannose to ward off urinary tract infections which can result in bladder infections. Please take a few minutes to read the information I reposted from one of hundreds of sources online. D-Mannose is available in whole food stores (bulk powder is least expensive) and since it is a powdered sugar, VERY easy to add to cereal, coffee, juice... etc.
I hope this helps... it is certainly worth researching. Again... I am not a doctor but I cared for my mother for 5years and we had much success with this product.
God Bless.
Hope her dr is good and treats daily as a preventative, it can make them crazy in their heads. The daycare always knows when a patient has one too now, they are used to the signs. Good Luck