Some 45 families already participate in a "block watch" and telephone tree. We range widely in age (under 2 to over 80), marital status, sexual preference, race, education, and income level: a microcosm of the nation, in fact. We'd like to create a collaborative, supportive elder-friendly environment that will support those of us who want to "age in place" or who can't afford to do otherwise. We hope to become a model for other communities and will be seeking assistance from the local Area Agency on Aging and healthcare senior institute, but we'd like to hear from others who have attempted or accomplished this or similar neighborhood community.
More suggestions include raised chaise longes around back yards and pools, free walkers and canes in local drug stores, courier services for seniors to and from the pharmacy, grocery stores, library and even malls... There are already servies of this type for church services and clinics.
Also, I am familiar with a similar program in DC called Capitol Hill Village ( You may get some inspiration from what they've done.