Need advice, my sisters who dont come by to assist me in caring for our mom who has alzhiemiers want to take her out she doesnt know them. How should i handle this? I have no problem with them taking her,however she is in the stage of alzhiemiers where if she becomes unfamiliar she will have an eposide of panic!! this may do more harm to her than good. My family should have come to visit frequently(I insisted) and now they want to come and then leave,emotionally my mom will become upset! Again,I will be left to pick up the pieces,what can i do to make them understand she has Alzhiemiers and not just Forgetful. They seem to be in denial STILL. and I am to tired to deal with them.
Do not dominate the conversation & volunteer to pay your own way.
Your sisters want to see your mom & not you? Sounds strange to me.
I don't understand
Be careful dear.