My fiancé is a 31, physically healthy, active, 3x war vet with ptsd and tbi. They sent him to a specialty tbi clinic yesterday. His family has a healthy background from what I know. They live long lives. We were planning to have more all this gone now?
None of us ever have guarantees. It is wise to consider the odds and try to predict most likely outcomes, but, really, when all is said and done, there is an element of risk in every marriage, and in every family.
I have never smoked but a recent CT scan noted changes in my lungs "suggestive' of COPD. Note you said "probably" has COPD. Did he have exposure to any nasty chemicals while in the militarty? He is very young for the diagnosis but I personally would be more concerned about his other medical problems before adding to the family. medicine and treatments advance all the time so he could be able to look forward to many years. however COPD does eventually advance and it will be an increasing burden to care for him for many years ahead so adding to your family may not be the best for you or your children, present or future.
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