
Needing some advice on how to deal with the issue of overnight incontinence. My grandmother really soaks through the sheets and even comforter almost every day and I'm just so over having to wash everything every single day. She wears a diaper (Depends maximum) but just goes right through it.

Is there anything I can do about this? Is there anything waterproof I can put on the comforter to protect it so I don't have to wash it all the time? Maybe a different diaper?? Help! What do I do?

(Btw, I'm thankful it's just pee and not poop!)

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The first thing is to make sure that GM drinks early in the day, nothing after about 5pm. The second thing is to get her to bend forward at the end of a pee on the toilet – this will help her to void her bladder completely. I’d suggest that you supervise the last toilet stop before she goes to bed to make sure she does this. With luck, you can make sure that her bladder is not so full in the night.

If she rolls in the night so that the diaper is not on tight and leaks around the edges, you could try extra clothing – eg microfleece pajama bottoms. That might stop the ‘swimming pool’ situation.

Then look up Mattress Protectors on the net. There are lots of brands, and most do pillow protectors and quilt protectors. Some encase the whole mattress. The old cheap protectors are plastic, sweaty and noisy, so check them out carefully. I have one on a guest bed that is very comfortable and not at all noisy. However if the problem is the actual volume of urine, it has to go somewhere. Perhaps you can find something thick and very absorbent to put under her, so that you only wash it, not all the bedding.

Good luck!
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Can you encourage her to safely get up during the night to pee?

I am only 54 and I have gotten up during the night to pee every night of my adult life. Only once generally around 3 am.
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My dad had Parkinsons and I dealt with the same issue; I found these peel away sheets on Amazon. They are waterproof and are fits like a fitted sheet. You tear the soiled layer off. I used that in addition to the standard waterproof washable mattress protector and that worked.
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You need mattress protector (washable and disposable). I use the washable protector under the fitted sheet, and the disposable on top. I also put an extra pad inside her pull up to help soak the pee. A few times a week, my mother still soaks through her pants and wets the disposable bed protector.

So so costly. I buy the cheap store brand diapers and pads.
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Thanks everyone, but I'm wondering if there is anything out there that can protect the top layers of bedding (covers). She has adequate coverage for the bottom sheet and mattress (thanks to some great inexpensive bed pads I found here: )

Covering the bottom isn't the issue (pun not intended!) It's how to protect the blanket really that is the question. Any ideas?
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Sara1959 Jun 2021
I bought three inexpensive microfiber plush blankets and put away the 'good' ones. These wash and dry easily and go in the wash with the waterproof bottom pads. And, I am resigned to laundry every day or two. My husband has lately been pulling his penis out the the nighttime disposables and the booster pad and just peeing into the blanket. Agh!
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So I just had an idea for trying to keep the blanket clean and free from the washer everyday... a waterproof duvet cover!

Basically, I would place the blanket inside this waterproof duvet cover and if it gets wet on, just wipe down the spot with a fabric cleaner instead of throwing it in the washer/dryer every day. What do you think?
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This is one of many items that come up on Amazon alone if you search "Waterproof blanket covers"

Good luck!
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Kimmotion Feb 2021
Thank you so much, lealonnie1! This looks like a great product, I could use it between the top sheet and comforter as sort of a barrier so it doesn't ruin the blanket! Thank you!!!
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I already have stuff to protect the mattress, but not the top blanket. That's the issue- is there anything I can do to protect the blanket so I don't have to wash it everyday?
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Have you tried to find a more absorbent brief?
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Use cotton flannel sheets/blankets like they do in hospitals. Easier to wash.

You don't want to be washing 'waterproof' duvet covers, much harder-they float in the washer.

Wash daily.

Aren't you leaving tomorrow, anyway? Do you have a car?
Get a small storage unit. Find out a safe place to park your car, such as Santa Barbara has a specialized parking lot for displaced women. Contact the domestic abuse women's hotline in your area. (Yes, you are being abused.)
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We use an additional overnight pad insert from Walgreens as an additional overnight protection. Also google the “purewick” - it’s an external urine collector for overnight. It’s now covered by Medicare and available from liberator medical. Again it’s called Purewick. Best of luck
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I being a older bed wetter get rid of the depends they did not work for me.The north shore com.They have some good options.
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The best we found for heavy overnight wetting was Northshore Megamax with a booster pad. My father frequently fills a 4000ml overnight catheter bag to almost the top (now that he has a catheter I can measure his output) and prior to the catheter he could go 8 hours with the megamax and a booster with nothing getting on the bed or clothes. They were by far the best. He preferred the Northshore supreme pull up style, and they were not bad, but I needed to use 2 booster pads for overnight and we had a very occasional leak from the leg holes.
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