
Hi All. I filed a Medicaid app for my dad. I’m just getting nervous because he’s out of money. It’s impossible to get the lawyer to respond. We submitted the application and the first response letter was sent to us asking for clarification on a couple of deposits and withdrawals no big issue. Would you know if these issues are all that they want to know or do they send more letters with more issues providing what we sent is ok. Will they start digging up more or is this it. He never got a Nurse evaluation and nobody’s contacting us. The evaluation was not listed in the letter as missing. If the original response is cleared up are we likely fine? Any experience? Thanks!

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Are you filing directly with your local Medicaid office? There should be a caseworkers name and phone number on the paperwork you received and you could call them directly. Mine was very helpful. I applied in person and she got most of the questions answered then, with just a couple of follow ups.
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We filed for a Medicaid Waiiver and have been speaking with the agent at our local office. It’s been a real process for sure. They’ve repeatedly asked for copies of records I’ve already sent and TG Target had a copier for $39 at one point.

Now, my mother’s fscility filed for her. It was fast and even though I had to provide them with many records, it went very smoothly. But, you need to kind of be a “robot” and send them what they want without questioning. It’s the Government, after all and you know how that goes. ,
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It typically takes three weeks for an answer. With my patient it took five weeks. You may also be able to call to see the progress. You may also be able to get help from a medical social worker at your local hospital.
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We attempted to file for Medicaid for my mom THREE times. It was a nightmare. We live in north metro Atlanta. They repeatedly asked for documentation that we would send over and over. We went to the DFCS office twice, only to be told no one could help us there and that someone would call - which they never did. We hired an attorney, and he basically told us that our only option was for a waiver - and that there were almost 3,000 people ahead of us for the waiver. So there is no chance she will still be alive when the waiver is available for her. As of now, we are paying full price, out of pocket, for her memory care. She has been there for 4 months. At this rate, we will go broke in about a year. But we don't really have any other options at this point. Her care is our main concern.
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Carol - medicaid is a huge program, what type of Medicaid are you looking for???.... is it LTC Medicaid so dads in a NH and needing skilled nursing care.....OR is he applying for community based Medicaid and do he’s living in his home or the h9me of a family member ???..... OR did you apply for a Medicaid “waiver” prpgram, the most common “waiver” is that he’s looking to get a Medicaid bed spot at an AL.

The degree of documentation and feasibility to be “eligible” will be very much dependent on which type of application.
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