My mom had a stroke about 5 month ago, her right side is very weak and she also suffers from Aphasia (language ability has been affected due to a stroke) I did everything I could possible for her weight gain, however nothing seems to work. Maybe she has absorption issues? She is so thin. It is so painful for me and she is wasting muscle mass since the stroke. I feed her a mostly protein diet. Her therapy told me she has to have weight bearing activity and it would help her bulild her muscle. Since she can't walk or care for herself without assistance I am living in great fear, depressed and anxiety.
This website is my only support and has helped me so much
i have been crying a lot lately and I feel so helpless.. I would highly appreciated any advices to help my mom her weight gain.
Thank you all and God blessed 🙏🙏
Please come back back and let us know how she’s doing.
Perhaps have your Mom's doctor refer you to a registered dietitian or you could even seek one out yourself. That person would be able to give you tips for upping your mom's caloric intake that would be the most healthful. A diet that is mostly protein can cause problems the body to lose weight (think Atkins diet).
Is your mom completely unable to walk at all? If not, get her up with a walker at every chance. Any weight bearing walking is better than none at all. The old saying of "Use it or lose it" is especially true with older adults.
Don't be afraid to talk to her doctor(s). Especially the ones you followed up with after her stroke. Also, if you haven't done it, get her and yourself some in home health care. Medicare pays for it. Speech and Physical therapy will help her and give you a bit of time for yourself.
Prayers for some answers to help take the weight of this off your shoulders.
Some of the main recommendations for weight gain include
Added dietary protein and protein powder supplements
Nutrient dense foods like nuts, full fat cheese and yogurt and whole grains
Healthy fats like olive oil, butter and coconut oil
It may be easier to drink your calories with calorie dense smoothies and supplements like Boost or Ensure
Include lots of snacks throughout the day
When it comes to exercises check the web for seated or wheelchair workouts and use light hand weights and resistance bands to build muscle.