
My grandmother moved in with us because she has Alzheimer's. My grandfather also moved in. He and my mom are the primary caregivers for my grandmother. I've noticed how stressed they are all the time. My aunts and uncles are also nearby, but don't help out as much. How can we maybe incentivize them to help out more? What do you do to incentivize other secondary caregivers?

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I don't live anywhere near you but from experience you can't firce anyone to help. Could you sit down with your aunts and uncles ir maybe even your cousins and explain to them that mom and grandpop could really use a break now and then. Could explain that a few hours or a day to give each s break is really needed. Can we all get together to see when others in the family can help. Remember, someone will need to stay the first few times to get the new caregive accustomed to the present routine and what you actually need them to do, such as, let mom go food shopping while someone comes and visits and makes grandparents lunch. Let grandpop take a nap and they entertain grandmom. Someone can do grandmoms nails one day. Someone can come over and help with the laundry and housecleaning. I know i ram ambled, sorry about that. I would also sit down with mom and grandpop and say if I can get more family members to come over, how can they help you. Good luck. Maybe others will have more suggestions to help. Good luck.
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I live on the So Shore..

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This is information for Seniors... If they are low income there are many benefits available for them...
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Your Mom needs to find outside help.. It's a very stressful job caregiving.. Tell her to come here to Aging Care..
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becausewecare, not everyone is cut out to be a caregiver, so it is better to have someone helping your Grandmother who knows exactly what to do and is more than willing to help.

If your Grandparents have a good retirement fund, maybe some of that money could be used to hire professional Caregivers to help give your Grandfather and your Mom some time off to rest.
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Yes, I know an LPN who stays a 12 hour shift with the elder at night who lives in Lowell, Massachusetts. She
told me she developed breast cancer so I don't know if she still does this work. Let me know if you're really interested and I can give her a shout out.
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There are day programs for seniors with dementia which could be of help. I would start by calling the Eldercare group in your town or area. As for aunts and uncles, your mother might know which ones are capable of dong more and which are not.
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