Local caregivers( Dad and 2 adult children) have been dealing with situation of aging mother for almost four years. Have consulted local support groups, made use of resources. Aging father could no longer handle the care for wife-local two caregivers consulted "far away" siblings, had two gatherings with father. Decided to have mom placed in a nursing home- dad visited daily, local caregivers (siblings) also visited regularly- Far away sibling plus his wife and daughter came in after several weeks, found "Mom" thriving but decided she should not be in the nursing home with people who were not as well as she. They brought blame on dad for putting her in a "home" and generally caused great anxiety for local caregivers, for Dad-the "Far away" siblings brought television, a phone, took mom out to a fancy restaurant, took her back to the nursing home and then went home themselves. Those left as caregivers are now highly stressed, feeling accused, blamed, guilty and not knowing how to handle this, The "Mom/wife" in the nursing home has thrived with good care, social support, entertaining things to do etc.The main problem is with the eldest son's wife and daughter who have "blamed" the dad.