
Spouse stopped driving in March 2020. For a while, friends drove him to favorite activities such as shopping for food and books, generally combined in trips lasting 3 hrs 2x weekly. That was great and the additional 9 hrs weekly of VA's caregiver was a godsend in in-home care added in June. Then in August the friends quit driving and I drive app. 7 hours weekly around town to these activities, which I do not share. I wait in the car with a book. Generally, it's the same shops over and over.

Spouse has a scooter with carrier, which I unload from the back of the car and bring to the car door. I load purchases and unload when arriving home. He is a backseat driver and nearly incessant talker; he's a retired attorney.

What I feel lately is that he really got used to me being around him more since August and he wants more of me. I've spent much time in big cities and I've taken to treating him like a street person: avoiding eye contact and non committal answers such as "that's nice" before leaving the room as quickly as I can. I clench my fists when I hear him call me from another room or hear his rollator from upstairs. I hate the sound of my own name. Now he wants to read stories to me daily; I plan to limit this to 15 minutes each daily session. I have a backyard "she shed" which I could not live without.

The avoidance technique works and any other hints would be appreciated.

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Pronker, you said “I want most of all for our son to receive his legacy of this house because that's all I can give him after I die.” The most important things to give our children are when they are growing up, not when we die. It used to be the norm for parents to die in their 60s or 70s, and then they often could leave a house or some other inheritance for their children. People are now living into their 80s and 90s, and the care for themselves takes up all they have saved. Write yourself a list of what you have given your son. Perhaps talk about it with him. Tell him what you just wrote to us. If he is the son I hope he is, he will tell you that what he really values is what you have already given him. Love, Margaret
Helpful Answer (9)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks for your thoughts. He is a sweet young man and a treasure. I've done my best to give him roots and wings. As for me, I hope to live to the biblical three score and ten. After that, who knows?
Cabin fever. You need some space for you! And this da*n virus making everything harder too.

Is there some sort of transport service your Hubby qualifies for? Also 'a new friend' (ie an Aide) to spend a little time each week with? Reading, TV etc.

It sounds like he likes to be busy, going out & persuing his interests. It seems reasonable he do that... but not reasonable that you are there alongside for absolutely everything at the expense of any life/interests/peace & quiet for yourself.

I'm watching this with my parents. She needs entertaining & to be doing something but needs help to do so. He needs to have some time to do what he wants too. He has to get creative to arrange things or it would be her wants & whims 100% of the day.
Helpful Answer (5)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks for replying. Yes, I'm looking into transport that can handle his scooter which he needs to wander through the shops; the family car already has a hitch to carry it. The VA aide 3x weekly for 2 hrs is a godsend because she takes him to the park. He's got a great deal of energy for age 78. Best of luck with your parents.
Pronker, I can’t see on your profile and posts if your husband has dementia. If he is able to read to you, perhaps he doesn’t. If so, the issue seems like loneliness. He wants company (yours), outings, things to do. It sounds like AL could be a really good option. So many people to bore!

You have set up your house in a way that works financially, and changing it is probably hard to deal with. However your current position is also hard to deal with, and I couldn’t handle what you are describing either. You can't call your soul your own! Divorce is becoming a thinkable option, and of course that will overturn the living arrangements completely. It will also involve you being very blunt about what you are unhappy with, so there is nothing much to lose in laying it on the line right now.

Does VA have a social worker? If your husband is capable of the discussion, a third person could be a big help in looking at immediate behavior changes or alternative living options.
Helpful Answer (4)
pronker Dec 2020
/if your husband has dementia/ Dementia isn't on his official list of symptoms from the VA. I agree that he's lonely; he's also always been needy and clingy so with greater age this has increased. We ran a family business together from 1990-2017 so we've been together a great deal. I cannot recommend that as a lifestyle.

I based my opinion of his mental state of dementia not because of memory, because we all have glitches, but his behavior. Most troubling was Nov. 4, 2020 when he refused to leave the car after fumes poured from the vents and I pulled over and swiftly brought his scooter to his door. He kept repeating "well I'm not getting out." Another issue is his trusting strangers; he was within 1 minute of reporting the total SS number (he'd already given the last 4) to a scammer. I got on the line just in time.

The VA has lots of resources, so thanks for bringing that up about the social worker. Spouse resists anything like psychological treatment; just after VA treatment began in 1998, he lost it with a doctor, who referred him to Anger Management class. He went readily to the appointment until he found out what it was and then stomped away. He's uninterested in the soul-baring, I believe. The behavior with the car incident in that he didn't recognize danger bothers me the most. The incontinence and other issues are awful to be around, but the Nov. 4th incident is the worst.
I very much agree with Beatty's suggestion of hiring a male aid as a companion and someone to bring your LO around town and do the heavy lifting of the scooter, etc. About 6 years ago I hired a companion through a good agency for my 2 Aunts and she is a Godsend. It took a few people before we found the right fit, but she's like family now. Shares the same cultural heritage and grew up in the same part of NY as my Aunts, she's just a younger version of them. She drives them around, takes them on walks, plays cards with them and sits and watches tv with the Aunt who has advanced dementia. I highly recommend this solution if you are able to manage it financially. She comes in 4 hrs every day except 1. Costs about $22 p/hr in FL.

I also purchased several dvds of vintage musicals I know she enjoyed, like The King and I, My Fair Lady, Music Man, Oklahoma, etc. This now keeps her occupied for the whole movie. It's helpful that the plots don't require much mentally and the topics are light and happy. I wish you success in figuring out some solutions!
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Dec 2020
Thank you for the answer. Yes, the VA sent a male aide who lasted 3 weeks and worked wonderfully; he quit and the agency was very upset because male aides are rare. It's been females since July. We did have tenants who drove in return for a rental discount; they found other work. Spouse enjoys movies and sports on TV and I do, too; it's the quantity of those two things that we differ on. I can enjoy 2 hours' worth of TV and then it needs to change to something else.
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It may be time to sell the home and get DH placed in Assisted Living and go your separate ways. You have to know when to cry uncle, I think, and allow yourself to have a life.

Good luck with a difficult decision. Just remember it's okay to care for YOURSELF too.
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks for the thoughts. It's indeed a difficult decision. I need to know he would be safe and cared for; the VA runs homes providing varying stages of needed care that at one point sounded ideal for both of us. It involves liquidating all assets and moving, naturally; it's not to be done lightly. I want most of all for our son to receive his legacy of this house because that's all I can give him after I die.
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Omg Pronker I hear you and I get it! I hate the sound of my own name, too. My family and I hired 2 caregivers for my grandma and they have been a total Godsend. Also, I started taking art classes outside the home to get away from things for a bit and unwind. That too has been a Godsend. Not sure where you live, but if you Google or look on I'm sure you can find something to do that will get you out of the house for a while and help ease the stress of things.

A lot of that pressure was pandemic related, because like you, I was "it" and grandma got used to that. Now thank God I'm back at work and away from the situation. Look into all the options the VA has to offer and use them well, that's what I say. That, and your local office of the aging, and/or an adult day care center.

Hugs! Hang in there. It's been a rough year for us caregivers, but we are getting to the end of this awful tunnel sure enough.
Helpful Answer (3)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks for the swift reply. Yes, it's tough when you're the main person; even when others come in, you're the one your grandma knows best and things can turn clingy. The VA is wonderful; they work slowly, but they do care and respond. I believe Spouse would benefit from day care. *hug*
This year, with the covid lockdown and DH working from home--OMgoodness, the sound of the TV going all day long (even when he's not in the bedroom) and the wandering around, snacking all day while still WFH and just being in my face...well, I am so grateful I moved out of our bedroom for good a couple years ago. He will not turn off the TV at a reasonable hour and watches TV show with super-profane language and that is offensive to me to the point I cannot watch much of ANYTHING with him. Plus he's like 70% deaf and refuses to wear his hearing aids any more. So it's not just offensive, it's LOUD!!!

He has traveled for years and treats our home like a hotel and me like a maid. Just now, he was on a conference call and reminded his boss he's retiring the day after I turn 65. July.

I have no idea what he'll do--all he really likes is to sleep.

Your hubby is a different animal--would he go to a Sr Center? A man in those places is like a slice of cake, I kid you not. My mom goes (well, went, it's shut down right now) and there are like 10 women for every 1 man. And the men LOVE it b/c even though they aren't necessarily searching for companionship, the are searching for someone who has not heard their stories 1000 times.

You can find drivers. Perhaps a specialized Uber since Dh needs his scooter. I don't know---a college kid who needs some bucks, try to get a cadre of drivers. If he is out of the house 3-4 hours per day and YOU are not the one taking him, would that help? Also, the handicapped buses, if your city has those. Mine does and I know they come pick up several men everyday for outings. Probably mostly to malls, would be my guess.

I GET the feelings of wanting to divorce---you have HAD it. I will never divorce my DH, I do love him, but he is very, very difficult to live with. I also have had many years of short and long term caring for him after illnesses and such. When I had cancer, he did NOT reciprocate the care. He traveled and was not 'there' for me. I am still working on forgiving him for abandoning me.

I think last case would be moving him to a VA home. He may be absolutely at home there--other men in his same age group, same interests, new sets of ears. IDK, they can be wonderful for some people, awful for others.

Burnout is real, it's exhausting, it's something that one good night's sleep doesn't cure and it colors all the days with a grey crayon. I am going back to therapy as soon as I get my covid shot and working with my therapist on my part in the retirement. I am so NOT happy about it.

As far as your son--the legacy we leave our kids is hopefully one of having a good character, a good life and a love for others. Money is nice, but it shouldn't be the reason you don't live comfortably now. I made sure, in our long term financial planning, that there are funds to pay for LTC for him and keep me living comfortably. My kids all make plenty of money and don't NEED inheritances. They just don't want either of us to ever live with THEM.

Good Luck, Pronker. Take a beat, the holidays are stressful and not in good ways. Don't make any serious decisions until next month.
Helpful Answer (3)
OkieGranny Dec 2020
Sounds like my situation. My husband eats constantly even though his diabetes is getting worse. I am the maid. I would leave, but I can't afford it. Also, I took a vow to stick with him, so here I am until one of us dies.
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You probably need to check out the VA homing for him , some are good , some are bad , sadly in your case I don’t think you would care either way . You clearly hate him , so divorce him , or place him in a home . Before you get upset with me , my husband was a veteran too . He developed ALS and the VA was a great support system, but there is no cure for ALS . They mentioned to nursing homes, but I wouldn’t do it , ever . Care giving is overwhelming, I should know , as his disease progressed, it was hands on care 24/ 7 . Not everyone can, or should do it . It takes a huge amount love and care . You sound burned out . If you don’t love him , why do it? Sell the house , now , and get out . Many women endure bad marriages, and I don’t understand why , you can still have a life .
Helpful Answer (2)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks for the thoughts. I am sorry your husband suffered so and you right along with him. I've thought seriously about selling and moving out; no solid plans as yet. I'm extremely grateful that he handles his daily 14 meds and 2x daily insulin shots himself because I don't believe I could do that for him. The mental problems worsened with the lockdown last March-April-May because he seemed at first to deal well with stay at home, then he fell apart. He refused to eat much, kept repeating over and over no matter what I served, said "I just can't each much" at each dinnertime. He needed 4 ER trips to clear impactions during those months. He did pull out of it; other mental problems arose, however.
Hire someone for his twice weekly 3 hr trips. He gets a break and so do you. Anyone with a vehicle that can accommodate his scooter can do the same things you are doing. It will be well worth the money to give both of you time apart.

As for being read to each day. Stop. Tell him to read to himself and you'll read it later. I get absolutely NOTHING out of someone reading to me. It will send me right into the next orbit. I swear, after caregiving for the past 5 yrs, I'd rather wipe a rear end than have someone read to me. Don't sit through 15 minutes of it each day - draw a line in that pile of dirt.

Your hubby is still conversational and you are doing a great deal while he's in the home to care for him that you have to do. Don't add on the things you really don't have to do at this point. Once you start something, you probably won't get to reverse it. Save your energy for the day he actually requires more.
Helpful Answer (2)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks for replying. The reading thing was like the proverbial straw and made me feel like the boundaries carefully constructed were being demolished. We need a break from each other after 27 years of working together in the family business.

/rather wipe a rear end/ This was an appropriate remark because yesterday he lost control and left a 6 foot trail of poop into the bathroom that escaped the Depends. He's without 1/3 of his large intestine from a 1999 operation and life is difficult for him.

Happy holidays, pronker
pronker: You require respite through any means possible, e.g. ride shares, et al. Prayers to you!
Helpful Answer (2)
pronker Dec 2020
Thanks very much; I've secured the names of 2 non-emergency transport companies in town that ought to provide relief.
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