
my father has macular and is legally blind, my mom suffers with extreme fibromyalgia and they need help ..i left my job a few days ago and im going to need some financial assistance for myself i thought of going to the V/A for help but i don't want it to affect my dads benefits in any way...can someone help im from Arizona and don't know what to do...Will it affect my dads benefits?

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Horrified? I think many parents would want to pay the one that rpovides the care. Even as kids Mom wanted to pay us for jobs we did around the house and yard. She always said she would rather pay us, keep the money in the family, instead of paying an outsider.
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Tjx for the informaiton...agree some parents would be horrified!!!! But not mine, I would think most parents like mine feel a sense of guilt that I have left my job and my life to come back home to care for them, I love my parents with all my heart so it wasn't a hard decision to make..
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First ask Dad if what benefits he is getting. If he already has VA aid and attendance aid, he would be paying you IF he agrees to it. Their county social services should have an office of the aging that can help them. specifically states the only way you would get paid is if you are an employee of the caregiving agency that Medicaid has assigned them to.
Medicare is a dead end, they will not pay you at all, and offer homecare only through licensed agencies and only for a temporary period after a hospital stay.
So, like so many others, you have jumped into a non-paying situation.
Most parents are horrified when you ask to be paid.
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