I ask this question because my husband and I are living in my husbands ex-wifes house and things have become unbearable for both of us, and especially myself. His ex-wife and I have gotten into several disagreements which has really made me upset. She is trying to tell me that I can't move my husband out of the state while he is with hospice. Her interference in our lives is causing much grief. Please tell him me can his hospice be transferred to another state?
Also, hospice can be stopped even after it is started. At any time you can request that he be given curing treatment (antibiotic, food, water, etc) and he will come off the hospice care.
Secondly, hospice is available in all 50 states bc it's covered by Medicare so tell your husband's ex that she's full of hooey and she needs to butt out, shut up and get herself a life. Then the two of you need to move out of her house. Now!
Unless she's been appointed as your husband's POA, which I highly doubt, she has no say in where he gets hospice services. That choice is his and yours to make alone.
Most of the records are Electronic so that should be easy all it would need is your signature and authorization to share the information.
The most difficult thing would be the transportation.
Does he need a medic van or ambulance? If so that would be the most difficult and expensive part. If he can ride in your car or a van then it is easy.
Talk to the Hospice Social Worker and she/he can help as well.
Have you asked her where she is getting her information from? How do you come to be living in her home?
I helped move my brother in law from PA to WI for his last few days. We drove him in a RV cross country with family as his care team. We had medically trained family members so this was possible but hospice provided us with the medications and equipment we needed for the transport. The WI hospice team was there that next day to admit him. Good luck to you and your husband. God speed.
How will you transport him? Hospice won’t pay for that. Is he able to ambulance or would he require medical transport?