I have moved here to take care of my mother with advanced dementia. I do have her going to respite day care for a few hours each day during the week. There is so much to do to get her there in morning, and then when she goes, I have beds, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, etc to take of before I can go out. She is back in a few hours and there is more to take care of then. I need to make some friends and get a life, right now it just revolves around her needs. I don't know anyone here and feel very isolated. Thanks
Best of luck. Best of Luck Friends keep you healthy.
1. Do you have local church where they may have "visitors" that will come and spend a couple hrs with her once a week?
2. Can you do some of the work while she is home so that when she is out a respite - you can go out and do something fun yourself?
3. Can you start a book group, card group, movie night at your house where you can invite some neighbors?
4. Is there a neighbor or other family member that might come over one evening a week so you can take a class or attend a club meeting?
5. Consider joining an Alz or Dementia support group; ask them for some ideas; this can be very isolating.
6. Can you volunteer at a Senior center and meet others there while your mother is there? Sometimes they have exercise, craft, game groups that you might enjoy while your mother is occupied with another activity.
Would it be possible to get some in-home help (at least with the chores) so you get a little break?
Debra, glad you are hanging in there, and I do relate to what you said about now having the free time and being at the computer. You are just so used to being home, it will take time but you will get out again. Reminds me of flies caught in a jar for days, then the lid is lifted and they don't want to leave, LOL.