
Are there any caregivers of their live-in parent here? If so, I'd love to speak with someone as I'm in the same boat. Thanks!

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I would love to start a group of just us that have our parents with us 24/7 ! Its so different than many that are in this group, to have them at home. We could help eachother through each stage. my moms at the hoyering stage and I have learned so much. Shes unable to say many words or understand anything like a tv, or anything, but loves music and wakes up laughing! Its so hard to know we can not just walk-out the door when we want to, takes a toll on us mentally and physically, But we are here for them. Even just to hold their hand or console them in times of teariness, is priceless to me. Hugs to all of you!
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I am living with my Mom who is at stage 5 Alzheimer's Desease. Overall, I'm making it OK but then there are "those" days. You know the ones that make you really doubt whether or not the decision to be full time caregiver was the right thing to do.

Welcome to the message forum and come here often to ask questions, look for help, comfort or just to vent. I could not have even begun this journey without the encouragement and understanding I have found here.
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It's been 4 months since I moved Mom in with me. Every afternoon or evening at some point, without fail, it comes to either "When are you going to take me home?" or "When are my kids coming to pick me up?" I just had no idea how bad she had been sundowning, either, or that I'd have to go through the whole explanation many times nightly of why she just can't live alone anymore. She talks to herself incessantly when we aren't in the same room together. That's alright unless it becomes what I call her "little girl" voice that tears at the curtains or the front door, begging for her mother or my dad to save her, which she stops pretty much when she notices me. The worst has been her not wanting to bathe or brush her teeth. But I'm in it for the long haul. Haven't had to hire an aide yet but will certainly do it when it has to be done. We're trying depakote; not sure it's doing much of anything but have to try what the nurse says. Thank God, at least she sleeps through the night. I work evenings in my home. Would give anything to be retired. I thought it would be easy, and some nights seem okay, others lousy till I can get her into her pj's and finally into bed. Days are better, she can still dress and feed herself, and we get out and about. But again, the evenings are long. Glad I found this forum and am grateful to all you guys!!
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My mom had dementia which is a form of Alzheimer's. She passed away July 27th but I can totally relate to what you are dealing with. Mom lived with me and my family for 6 years. There were the days of total confusion and days of frustration and some glimpses of the mom I used to know. Its not an easy road but I would not have done anything differently. I also found this website and got much support and advice. Hang in there and we will be here for you!
Helpful Answer (3)

Hello AnneShirley, I also have my mom at my house and she is stage 7. I can help you, been through it all, just send me a message. If you send a hug/private message I will get it sooner. I JUST got this message and its 4 days old, Hang in there, send me some questions. Hello to OneMoreDay also !!!!!
Helpful Answer (3)

My mom lives with me as well. She has mild/moderate Alzheimer's and moved in with us about 8 months ago. How long has your Mom lived with you? What stage is she at? I hope you're doing well!
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my father lives with my husband & I. He has alzheimers - I think stage 6. It has been 6 1/2 years and it definetly is stressful. Some days better than others. I have 2 brothers that don't help much at all. They take him one week a YEAR. This site has been very helpful to me. Good luck - unless you are a caregiver you have no idea how hard it is.
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I've had my mother here for 3 1/2 years. Seems like 300...
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I have my mother home with me for the last 8 years she was diagnosed in 2005. Like everyone else here, there have been good days and bad days. I do the best I can.
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Yup, 10 years for me, the last 5 24/7. Hardest road you'll ever be on.
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