I'm kinda tired of the psych med game and upping the doses for difficult dementia behaviors. Today my pop had sundowning during mid-day, which isn't his usual time for those sort of stress waves. I gave him a half dose of his olanzapine, and will give him the other half at tonight's medication time. He would not stop doing the same repetitive movements, and kept throwing things (not at me, just around the room for no reason). I just gave him 40mg of CBD oil, which I take for stress and anxiety. It just calmed him down into a nap, which I will have to end in about 30 minutes for dinner and medication, but I'm curious what successes or failures people have had with CBD in elderly dementia patients. He specifically has vascular dementia. Thoughts?
I needed something for adhesive arachnoiditis and the pharmacist recommended a Hybridol cannabis oil. (Rice grain dose, squeezed into empty gel capsule they provide)
It ended my stinging nerve damage.
It was miraculous and still works to this day.
I’m also in a better mood.
Don’t pass this opportunity by due to a few uneducated in this area.
Curaleaf carry’s CBD products with every “route” available.
They would be able to assist you and it’s FREE information, if your state has it.
Good luck.
good luck !