I have an elderly neighbor (my guess is 90+) who walks to the grocery store every day and can only bring back a few items at a time. She's collapsed several times on the way back and could use someone to drive her to/from the store. I offered to add her food to our Amazon Prime Fresh account but she is really intent on picking out her own food. I don't know any of her family and it isn't going to be simple to figure out what she is eligible for, so wondering if there are any simple resources for free or cost-effective (and simple) elderly transportation services on the federal or city (Los Angeles) level. Thank you in advance.
Good of you to look out for your neighbor. I wonder if you would consider contacting a social worker? Your neighbor sounds very independent but I worry about her safety. Or perhaps contacting the City about transit services for the elderly. I think there must be a Handi Bus service or free taxi chits she could use, but she might need help filling out some paperwork.
Many villages have a Senior Center that may provide transportation or a Volunteer Network that has volunteers that will take someone shopping.
If your neighbor is a member of a Church many churches have volunteer groups that will provide transportation.
I KNOW that if her church group knew she needed lifts places someone would certainly oblige. Also, I know some elders are using Uber drivers. This would be more costly, but if you have a little extra to spend, they would work (if parent is able to work a cell phone--that's a must with Ubers).
Many grocery stores deliver for a small fee, but my mom has to touch everything she buys, and grocery shopping is a huge deal to her.
When I run errands with her, I sit down and make a list and make it all in one "go". Otherwise I'd be running her somewhere every day. Good Luck with this. The very big down side of parents not being able to drive any longer.
https://www.go511. com/busesandtrains/seniorservices
Nice of you to look out for your neighbor.
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