Has changed sleeping habits, sleep day and awake all night. His body aches in legs and stays extremely cold. Anemic and has begun to experience difficulty getting in and out of shower/tub on his own. He has lost 12 pounds in the last 6 months. Continues to see primary care physician, however I think he needs to see a geriatric doctor to get a complete work-up. Recently diagnosed urinary tract infection and sinus infection.
I recommend you consult with an elder affairs attorney for you own status as a caregiver. Are you getting help from your local http://www.aging.maryland.gov/ aging agency
Sleep patterns are an on-going challenge. If Mum feels any bit unwell, she stays in bed, and the body clock gets all messed up. When I can spend all day with her, I can limit nap time and help get night sleeping back. But that's not a constant. The doc said to limit naps to an hour and open the shades in the daytime. My success on the sleep issue is limited, but I just try to choose my battles.
My father stopped eating very much in his last few years on earth. What I would do was to buy ice cream treats, cookies, fruit and pudding cups, little cake treats, strawberries -- anything that he liked. I kept them in a place that he could go get what he wanted anytime he wanted. This junk food probably kept him alive for the last two years of his life. For dinner I found he preferred things like scrambled eggs or salads over heavier things. Light eating was easier on his stomach, which never felt very good.