My dad had done up a will and Durable Power of Attorney after my mom passed away 4 years ago. Less than a month ago, my dad's girlfriend had my dad (who had a stroke 9 months before) change his will and also did up a new POA. The ink wasn't even dry and she advised my dad's children that she has POA now and the house will go up for sale and 2 days later she changed the locks and we no longer have the keys. We feel my dad is not able to make the decisions to change his will, but found out from a lawyer that it's a large threshold for competency to sign that. We just want to know what we can do, as we think he is being coersed into doing what his girlfriend wants. We have one of his doctors saying he is incompetent and another saying he is not. She won't let us visit him alone, and she puts the phone on speaker everytime we call. Is there anything we can do about it. His stroke in Feb 13' was a severe stroke still with incompetency.
Seattle, WA
Protective services will do an investigation. If there is a reasonable chance that this woman is causing elder fiduciary abuse, they will ask a judge to step in and appoint a temporary public fiduciary to take over his assets and complete an investigation. The investigation will include an evaluation of his cognitive status, the woman's background, the family relationship, and the books.
In my uneducated legal opinion, logic tells me that she is acting only as his caregiver. His assets are not her assets to use as she see's fit. Since they are not legally married, then it is not a husband-wife issue especially since they avoided becoming husband and wife for monetary gain. I do not believe she can have it both ways, either she asks for the benefits from being in a common-law marriage or she asks for the benefits of not being married.
I do believe that you as children are infinitely more bound morally and legally to your father than this woman as she can only claim at the most being a girlfriend.
I would request from APS a court appointed medical and mental evaluation of your father in addition to the opinion that you already have.
Write up the scenerio in a concise manner and tell your story to APS honestly without any exagerations, half-truths, etc. Simply show your sincere concern. If APS feels that there is a problem, they will keep the case open and help you locate a good lawyer who specializes in elder abuse. Your goal should be to make sure that he will always be protected from someone taking advantage of him, not just this woman.
They may encourage your father to allow for a private fiduciary and lawyer to handle his financial affairs for him, hopefully forever. As long as he can, a good fiduciary will have him participate in how his money is spent with the goal of keeping it safe and having it last as long as he wishes. They will pay the bills, deal with his material needs, and nuture his money. His new lawyer, without the help of his children or this woman, can facilitate him making up a new will and POA for finances and healthcare if he is competent to do so. If not, can have the other revoked. His children should stress that it is his money to do as he wishes after he is gone. However, while he is still on top the ground, he needs to keep his nest egg intact fully to assure that he will always have money to provide for himself. No friend nor family member should be helping themselves to his nestegg. If he becomes incompetent, the fiduciary will then keep the money safe and spent wisely so that it will last him a lifetime hopefully. They are bound to that by their profession.
The elderly do not need to be completely mentally incompetent to be taken advantage of. They are very vulnerable to manipulation and the courts and APS recognize this as well. So he should be considered vulnerable even if it is found that he does not have full blown dementia. With a stroke, the person has a type of closed brain injury. They may be able to function fine and in general under loving and secure circumstances make sound decisions with regards to their health and finances but under duress and manipulation be easily fooled and suckered.
Your father may be being told that you children are trying to make him out as totally incompetent and he may be misinterpreting your intentions. A common denominator of elder abuse in addition to changing wills, POA's, and titles is isolating the individual from their friends and family. Be sure, the experts can spot the pattern a mile away. If things are found not right with his money and his relationship with this woman and if APS normally can spot it so fast.
There is always that possibility that your father, however, is fully competent but a complete idiot and is like a lot of guys not thinking with his brain. In that case, you gotta just let him do what he is bound and determined to do. If he spends his wad on this lady and ends up in a nursing home filing for welfare, then so be it. It would be his decision. You can still love him but if that is the case he made his would be his loss and not your fault.
Good luck.
His house is paid for, his monthly income is double to triple what his monthly bills what bills. Everything just doesn't make since and she is not willing to talk to us. That's what worries us.
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