
Can I decide to place her in to a facility so she can get the help she needs?

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Bumping up. I hope others have some thoughts.

One thought I'm having is if you've checked in with your daughter's doctor. Would he or she or another medical professional agree that she needs a facility? Do they have any advice for you regarding her care, especially as you and she age?

I'm so sorry that your family is in this situation.
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Doctors order placements in a facility. It may be best to have a support team of professionals on board with their recommendations specific for your daughter.
Your daughter may qualify for Supportive Housing, or Board and Care. She may improve living in a structured environment under supervision of professionals instead of family.

Can you tell us more about your daughter, or yourself, and how this is affecting you?

Of course you want to protect her from acting unsafe. Do you have Conservatorship or Guardianship? It would be very important for you, or anyo n e caring for her, to have her cooperation, "as if" she was competent and has choices.
Is she teachable? Able to be persuaded?

It must be a huge challenge to support her independence and protect her (as an adult?).
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Have you attended the family support meetings in your area, called NAMI?
The National Alliance for the Mentally ill.
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If she is seriously ill and a danger to herself or the community a doctor could request placement thru the court. As POA I don’t think you could place her. If she is seriously ill you may want to obtain guardianship.
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