My mom is 92 yrs. old. She has always suffered with heartburn, and has relied upon a brand name product for relief, but it contains aluminum, which I've read contributes as a toxin to ALZ. But at the core of the matter is that we have one of the main caregivers who is very stubborn, and just keeps feeding mom acid containing foods. What kind of a diet should be followed, and could pro-biotics help her?
It is so soothing to the stomach. Thank you all, I really appreciate your suggestions,
oh, and my mom just turned 92 in April. Love and Light to everyone! Margeaux
Like: Acidophilus type is often used to stop diarrhea--it thickens stools.
Bifidobacterium strains can assist keeping stools UNconstipated [think: baby-poo].
There are many varietes of probiotics; it is by far best to use a mixture of many, instead of giving a single kind. A mixture is best for helping keep the bowles regular, to prevent "backup".
It's a good idea to have at least one BM per day, and a good mix of probiotics can help that--in that respect, making BM's keep rolling along, it helps to decrease reflux.
A bowel that moves along too slowly, no matter how soft the content, will send signals to either not eat more food, or, reflux what was eaten.
There are a number of other tricks to try to decrease reflux...
IF one is inclined to try them--if caretaker[s] will not do it, though, it won't work.
1. Sequential eating.
Start a meal by eating the simple-to-digest foods first, like fruits.
Next, more complex carbohydrates.
LAST is proteins, like meat, eggs, cheese.
This is tough when so many meals are all kinds of foods all mixed together. So, there needs to be more tricks...
2. More, but smaller, meals.
Putting snack-size "meal" in the stomach when one is hungry and ready to eat, means the stomach works faster a bit, to digest it.
Suggest dividing daily food portions into at least 5 "snack-size" meals.
3. Drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before eating.
This helps the body generate digestive juices, to prepare for digesting.
4. Be sure to chew foods well;
The stomach will refuse to handle poorly chewed foods, thus either sending them up, or rapidly dumping them down the other way, depending on the person.
5. Stay in an upright position while and after eating at least one hour.
6. Some folks have raised the head of the bed by putting the legs at the head of the bed, up on blocks. Others use stacks of pillows to elevate the upper torso.
7. Many chew simple papaya tablets or eat dried papaya, after a meal; this stuff helps digest the food---which indicates insufficient digestive juices, which means that taking Antacids makes the problem worse!
8 If it appears that using papaya after a meal is helpful, one might want to explore using other foods that help digestion, too, like pineapple.
9. Watch to see what meals have more reflux--is it dinner?
If so, perhaps the dinner meal is eaten too close to bedtime.
If lunch, then too close to nap time?
10. Has this elder been evaluated to see if they are sensitive or allergic to certain foods, such as gluten, or food additives?
It might be useful to try elminating suspect foods or additives, or at leaast observing what foods stay down well, vs. what ones reflux more often than not.
Oh--that caregiver who feeds your elder foods that make things worse??
THAT person may need to find another position!
IF a caregiver has been instructed about specific dietary needs,
yet goes against those needs,
especially in ways that make things worse for the elder,
then that caregiver is being abusive
[your use of the word "stubborn" is a very polite euphamism]
and in those circumstances, that caregiver needs removed from caring for your elder.
That kind of scenario is rather like a caregiver deliberately feeding sugary foods to a diabetic, and could be construed as contributing to premature demise.
It sounds like something you really need to evaluate and address, and soon.
If it is happening with food, what else might it be happening with?
I love the Mediterranean diet also. We try to follow it as much as possible; but husband does need his meat every now and again.
Thank you so much again, Lot's of love & light! Margeaux
I'm going to buy some, and take it to mom, next time I go there. Margaux
Oh yes! Those small meals, this is exactly what has not been happening over there, it's been more like big ones, especially for a small elderly woman. Actually, most of the suggestions, which are what I've tried to encourage my sister to follow, and really have that caregiver follow also. Also, my mom does not really do enough walking. Most of the time she goes from the dining table, straight to the couch to watch tv, and ends up falling asleep there. So all of these ingredients add up to what she is feeling. Well Chimonger, I'm going to keep insisting, this is my role, as the visiting caregiver. Again thank you, it's very helpful and very appreciated! Love & light! Margeaux
Perhaps I misunderstood?
I thot Margeaux asked if there were other things to do about heartburn/reflux, whether probiotics or a special dietary might help, and mentioned a caregiver non-compliant with care guidelines.
I addressed those items; it's no quackery; ya'll got benefit of years of professional experience.
I wish you well!
You definitely understood my question. My mother is already taking blood pressure, and her ALZ medications. I'm aware from research I have done how one destroys beneficial flora and enzymes. So particularly for this reason, I at least am looking for an alternative approach to help her. I was not aware that Acidoophilus vs. Bifidobacterium had opposite effects on the system. Mom is feeling better apparently this week. A big Thank You! Love & light! Margeaux