Mom is in a MCU that opened in early 2012. It is part of a CCRC that has been in the community for over a century. It has a locked wing and 13 residents with their own rooms. Mom moved in Aug. 2012. At the time of entrance they had a Memory Care Director, and although she was less than satisfactory, she at least had the appropriate degrees & credentials.
The CCRC in the last 6 months is up for sale as they want to align with a larger facility. The director was let go at this time, as well as the long-time social director, and other positions. Since that time the only oversight is by the MCU assistant who was formerly an Activity Asst. and is a young gal in her early 20's. She reports to Director of Nursing, I believe.
I wondered if this was an unusual situation, as there has never been anyone higher-up than her around the MCU at all, and I have never even met the Director of Nursing as she does not seem to be involved.
I am desperately looking to find another housing situation but have run into problems with my siblings opposing this and finding a place close enough that I can visit easily 2-3 times a week. I am PoA so I am going to do what I have to do, but just wanted to hear other comments about their being no Director.
(Got lots more I can add to my story about my disatisfaction but I'll just pose that question for now :) Thanks!