
My dad and wife had a joint account. She became ill and my dad is 90 and never handled any finances. She made her daughter poa. Dad's wife died. Her daughter and poa drained the account putting money in her account and writing a check to empty the rest to herself. Made it look like her mom signed the check but her mom clearly stated in the will that the money goes to my dad. What can we do to get my dads money back? Is this abuse of a poa and is it criminal? My dad had no clue. She is executor also due to my dad only having a 2nd grade education.

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Sounds to me like the daughter is guilty of forgery and theft which needs to be reported to the police and to a lawyer.
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...and in most cases of a joint account the remaining account holder automatically becomes the sole owner off all money in that account. This is beyond and outside of what a will says as it is.

Do you ever have contact with the sneaky little thief? Or maybe it would be better coming from an attorney... Give her by 5:00pm, June x to return the money - tell her a specific amount - to the account or you will be assisting your father in filing charges with the police.
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