
I'm asking the question because I think it's so important. I hire caregivers for mom probably twice a month for five hours. When they come, I have a list that I walk through with them...our address in case she would have to call 911...both our cell phone numbers (inviting her to call for any reason at all)...what time to feed mom (I walk her to the fridge and show her the supper I've left...usually served cold...what time to give her watch to make sure she takes it because she puts it off...not to get her up from her wheelchair...not to give her anything salty even if she asks for it...a suggested time for ice cream...what there's to eat for the to use the Kuerig...about time we'll be home...AND I get her cell phone number so I can call her if we're going to be late.

I walk her thru the written list, and then I leave it with her on the cocktail table where she'll presumably sit . . . opposite mom.

Tonight, her caregiver who's sat with her before, told me that our family is the nicest one she sits for . . . why? Because she said we respect what she does, make her feel important, and are so considerate.

I thought I'd remind all of us to be super respectful of the people who watch our most prized possessions. ;) Respecting them is part of what encourages them to do a good job and to go above and beyond.

*Sermon Off*

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Finally a question I feel I can answer. YES!! I have the utmost respect for the caregiver I hired for mom last month. She is with mom 3 days a week for 3 hours at a time. Lisa is very professional (was main nurse in charge at an AD facility in Fresno) loves her elders, does exercises with mom, cognitive games, hair nails, bathes her .... and loves her. She wrote down in her notepad she keeps with her at all times, everything she needed to know about mom, her needs, her likes and dislikes. We have an agreement to "communicate" on everything and anything. Mom loves her, and I go out of my way to make sure she knows I respect her and value what she does for us.

The State of Oregon pays her 22 hours a month.... I pay her the rest, BUT, even though I pay her the same rate the state does...I always add a tidy sum more. She is worth it. Oh, by the way, I did mention to her that I have a security camera installed, also showed her where it was... told her it was for when I had to make a quick run to the store and did not take mom... she was all for it.

Awesome woman indeed!
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Maggie, we have a caregiver that comes on Saturdays for eight hours. I absolutely appreciate this woman for all the care she provides Mom and L. And by doing so she also makes it possible for me to get out of here for awhile. Because it is pretty much every Saturday and we started using this agency caregiver about 6 months ago now she has become very familiar with our routine. We have had several emergencies in the past couple of months and she will leave her daily job early to accommodate our needs. I do not know what I would do without her! And such a tremendous source of support for ME! Just cannot say enough wonderful things about her.
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Wow. It is kind of sad to realize that basic courtesy and respect are not universal for those who sit with the elderly, isn't it?

I hope you are preaching to the choir here, but if anyone needs a reminder, thanks!
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Why am I not a bit surprised at the names of posters who are awesome?? And thanks for the reminder that I can ask Myra to do mom's nails. Mom would love that. My cousin generally does them, but Myra, I think, would appreciate having that little something specific to do. Thanks for that!!

All of your awesomeness is hereby recognized!! ;) ;)
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I hired my mothers caregiver for HER. All things mom. Nothing to do with me.

She helps mom clean her room, do her laundry... the rest is all luxury fun stuff for mom. Nails, feet ( hate toes) hair.... takes her to the senor center...for ice cream.... she is here to love mom while I am out trying to love myself :) I do not ask her to clean my area's or my clothes.... it's all about mom :)

Maggie... Lisa also got mom some of those velvet paint posters at wal-mart... oh gosh but they have fun doing it! Heck.... I painted one before they even got to it!
Lisa is here from 1 - 4 we do not do early stuff cuz if mom doesn't sleep, I don't sleep...she will stay longer if needed on those days. Other days she works for NH. She loves in home work...loves my mom cuz mom is so nice. Uhm...ok :) dude, just like a kid... nice with others, hell with errr mom? yes, I am now mom.

Lisa has a special drawer here where she keeps all her fun stuff for mom...
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Funny. Just today I went out to buy nail polish, of the clear variety. Occasionally a Sib will show up when caregiver is here. Naturally, caregiver does not want to interfere with mom and Sib relationship. Well Sib will want to paint Mom's nails, a couple of weeks ago she brought blue. When I got Mom in the tub she could not figure out what happened to her nails. That was a new experience, removing polish while mom sat in the tub.
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I'm not so sure blue nail polish is hip nowadays for the elderly :) I could be wrong..

One last thing then bed time for me.... my mother used to oil paint, some really nice Kincaids )sp) and other equally nice masterpieces... well, the mind/hand/thought coordination is long gone...but, I bought her a lovely water color set.... I painted with her several month ago but she was irritated that I did better.... so i let it rest.... now Lisa, the care taker is painting with her, well...I've got some awesome pictures hanging on the fridge. That makes me happy!
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I absolutely do, yes. Lovely Liz, who comes to us on a Friday, is a godsend and I try to tell her that every week. I have no anxieties whatever about leaving my mother with her, or any doubts that if there were an emergency she would cope superbly.

On the other hand, I do know that not all clients are the same. Quite a while back, I posted a sly remark on the professional caregivers' thread on the AC forum remarking that while I didn't know what my MIL's "companion" was paid, I did know it wasn't enough. Bless them, true professionals to a woman and man, they took that as a compliment meaning that they were worth their weight in gold. Which of course they are. But that wasn't quite what I meant...
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My boss had conflicting respect for the Caregivers who he hired to help with his wife who had Alzheimer's.

One day he would tell me how he can tell that his wife really liked the Caregiver.... then the next day he was blowing a fuse because the Caregiver had to take a day off because her grade school aged child was home sick from school, he couldn't come into work.

He didn't like using an agency, so there was no back up, yet he thought all independent Caregivers knew all the other independent Caregivers in our metro area, so he felt it was her responsible to find a replacement.... [sigh].
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