
Your recent article implies that adding a friend to my checking account would attach her funds to my expenses. Does that involve just the funds in that account?

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I would say this means if you overdraw you acct, if friend is also considered an owner on your acct, they can take the overdrawn amount out of her acct.

It all has to do with how the account is worded. How you set it up and what the bank rules are. Like said, this is a question for your bank.

Why do you feel ur friend needs to be on your acct?
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Reply to JoAnn29

It's possible this is bank-specific so asking your actual bank is the best and most accurate thing to do.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Why would you add a friend to your account?
There is no reason to do that.
If you wish to have a friend write checks for you then ask for that help.
Or make your friend your POA and add her name as a signee on your account.
Or make her the POD (pay on death) which means the account is hers when you die.

Speak with your banker.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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