My Nan has been hurting for money and stressing out a lot about it. She's also very depressed. I left for three days to go visit family. When I came back, she barley made conversation like she used to and only wanted to sit in her chair. She still drives fine and takes me to my appointments when I need to go. I came downstairs one day, at 10:00 am and saw two droplets of blood on the floor. She told me it was just tomato juice and she quickly wiped it up. Later, she sat in her chair and I went in to talk to her. She had dried blood on her jeans and on her top. I asked what happened and she said she cut herself on the dishes. If she knew that she cut herself on the dishes, why didn't she take of the bloody clothes? She says "I dont know" every time I ask a question. The next day, today, she sat in her chair with I towel on her lap, and I thought I saw blood on it. I keep trying to look at her wrists but she always has them faced down. I'm only 14. What am I supposed to do about this?
Stop trying to figure it out on your own, it is not your call.Tell them the history, just what you said here.
Insist they transport gma for an evaluation not just the first aid.
You are right to ask for hlp.
Can you make that call now?
1) You don't know what the total blood loss is, or what the medical needs are.
2) With this abrupt change in her behavior, she needs an evaluation and assessment by professionals.
3) You should not keep silent, who is her emergency contact person?
4) Worries about money-the 911 call may very well be fully paid by insurance.
5) You do this without telling nan.
OR, you can call APS-adult protective services. Call 211 to get the number.
personal status as a minor. Do give your Nan's age, and her diagnosis.
Now, look forward to Nan getting so much better because you will take action to benefit her.
Yes, call 911 anyway.
It is important to know that if Nan is sick, or even attempted suicide, that it is not your fault, and that their thinking is not right, not accurate, and not true. You are
not the cause, not the reason-got it? There are NO what if I had done this;
NO if onlys, NO guilt. It is not you. It is an illness that requires treatment, even if the wound to the wrist gets better. Nan, if thinking clearly, would never ask you to keep silent.
There is a plan B to help you and your Nan. Come back, check in. What is happening now?
Come back so we can advise you while Nan is being treated in the hospital.
Are there any pets in the home.?
Are you already in school this season?
Why do you live with Nan?
Who is helping who-does she need your helo?
How can we help you, today?