
I have a question I hope you can answer. My grandmother lives in the State of Iowa. My uncle has been living with her since he was born. He put her on elderly waiver program/medicaid back in 2002, I believe. The house is in her name at the time. Since, 2010 she transfer the house over to my name only. I and my uncle both live with her.

Do we have anything to worry about about paying back State of Iowa for services performed, even though we or her have no ntentions of her going into a nursing home.



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Liens on the property would be on record at the county clerk's office. You need to check there. Banks only care about their mortgage.
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Yes, she is on medicaid. I don't believe there's any liens on the house besides the bank (she still has a mortgage loan against the house and when we talked to the bank about transferring the title into my name only they didn't say there's another lien on it). We did a quit claim deed, which I'm the only title holder for the property. The lawyer did the paperwork for us (Quit Claim).

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Are you sure she was on Medicaid? At the closing in 2010 did anyone check for liens against the property? If all you did was a quit claim deed, you may own nothing at all. See a lawyer.
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