
I'm cooking a ham and dad's favorite, potato salad. My mom always "made" potato salad at her nursing home, but remember, to her it was always for Easter circa 1959. Veggies and strawberry shortcake. Oh yeah, that's one of the shower days too! Taking dad to mass maybe, can't sit that long without the bathroom. What should I put in the plastic Easter eggs????? Greetings from caregiver world, HAVE SOME FUN!!

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Gotta have a big spiral cut ham slathered with brown sugar and clove.
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I'm putting sugar free chocolate eggs in plastic Easter eggs for my husband's new residential board and care friends who are all diabetic. The caregivers need something holiday-ish too, maybe a big bag of jelly beans. Nobody gets too old to celebrate like a kid (:D).
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im going to clean my latest steel fabrication mess out of the middle of the driveway before the old cat upstairs loses his s**t. lol
" burley " hes ocd as a housecat.. hes the renter, keeps the place looking like a golf course. go - burley.. ( dolt )
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I'm having my parents who live with me, and the hubs parents, and his cousin and my daughter for ham and go withs! The folks have been visiting my Aunt for a week, so this has been a nice little break. I hope to have a good day! My MIL is as bad as Dad, so it should be interesting!!
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It looks like HAM is the popular (-:...I live with my Mother, and there is a meat market in this tiny town. I sat down the ham on the counter and they offered to slice it for me. REALLY. So now i have a sliced ham to go into the oven, i will make home made baked beans; deviled eggs; and banana pie. My daughtes will bring the salad and cheezy potatoes, and haven't heard from the son yet. We will not be able to attend church as Mom cannot sit that long. I miss my Church, i play the piano there, and when i'm not there, they sing without the piano. I luv them. When Mom was in charge, she made the most wonderful noodles in the world but doesn't want to do that anymore.
I'm so grateful to have my Mom here, we lost my Dad in 1998. And i'm so grateful i found this Website (-:
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OH!!!! PS!!!!! The eggs!! i'm going to buy some plastic eggs and put a quarter in each, and then have a special egg each for the Grand kids, and put like $2 each. Hopefully it will make everyone a bit happy. Then i have a pin with a saying..My favorite has a cartoon kid with a football that says "I'm a Possibility"...If anyone has a 6yr old, you can maybe identify with then i have a cross with a very long saying for the parents to put in their pockets. With a bit of sun, this will entirely make up for the Christmas that my brother's ruined.
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I'm old enough now I can hide my own Easter Eggs....
And I'm glad to see no one is giving pet baby chicks or baby bunnies because two weeks later they get dumped at the SPCA.
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My mother and I will be doing our normal Sunday routine -- going to church, then out to eat. We didn't buy any new outfits this year, so it is all pretty low key. Sunday is my mother's favorite day, since it is a day she feels comfortable getting out. Maybe we can find something better to eat than the normal Sunday fare. I'll have to look.
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Oh, and Pam, I have one of last year's Easter bunnies under my bed now. Someone surrendered him to the humane society before Christmas. He is such a sweetie that I don't know how they could stand to part with him. He's got a good home now. I always dread the thought of bunnies being given to people for Valentine's or Easter.
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You guys ROCK! My two cats and three dogs are happy, Easter treats for them, my kids are grown. Gonna color eggs too, in my whole I have missed that maybe two years.
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well if everybodys making ham, this is what i do with ham and turkey both. bake them in about 2-1/2 " of broth, then slice it up and stack the slices IN the broth at serving time. anything less is a class " c " cooking felony..
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if you like jelly beans, deep puncture wound the ham and cram the jelly beans in there. use a little imagination. im going to get a hamburger cause , just cause i can..
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We are having leg of lamb with mint jelly, the same way my mom would have made it for my dad if she was still with us. Lots of candy for my son and the caregivers' kids.
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I would love to just have sibling drop off enough Easter food to cover lunch and dinner. Then leave. I work on Saturday, and Sunday will be my only time off from everyone. I just want to lay back, relax and read all day. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. They will be dropping by with food and the kids. Grass is cut so short, the easter eggs will be so easy to find.
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Having a brunch.. As usual just my immediate family. My siblings phones must be broke because no one has called to invite Mom over.. HA, HA, HA!!!!
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No family so it's just another day for me and my dogs. There's been no heat in my home office this past winter so now it's getting warmer I'm going to reclaim it and get the mess out of the dining room. .Cooked up a storm the past few days so I can get on with stuff around the place..
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Lamb here too Ginach but no mint jelly. Mom always had it too, but I'm not crazy about it. Last year I tried a new recipe using a dry rub. It was delicious. Most compliments I ever received from the boyfriend. He's an ex now but the recipe stays.

Moving on . . . I hadn't planned to hide eggs, but this post makes me think I should do something. 1 friend, my son, and his college buddy coming for dinner. Wonder what they would appreciate.

Oh, and Raindrop, hope you find someone to sit with mom while you go to church. You need to play piano again . . . for your soul, psyche, and joy!
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I'm going to go to the store in a litle bit and buy the food and the plastic Easter Eggs. I'm looking at this Easter as 'AWESOME'. Sunshine;Basetball outside for the youngsters and an Easter Egg hunt, OH, That would be after our Awesome meal.
In the old days, we would go to the Field House for a Sunrise Service, it was really a Passion Play, and it would really put you in the spirit. They don't do that anymore.
Remember the song...THOSE WERE THE DAYS?!

Happy Easter Everyone, and Pass it on (-:
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I will have all my children, their spouses, my grandchildren, some friends, my 98 year old aunt, and friends of friends. There will be about 18. Hope to get a family picture of everyone in the current beauty of bluebonnets here in Texas...marymember
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