Has anyone had experience as a caregiver where the individual has awful migraine headaches from time to time. That coupled with the mid-stage dementia makes it almost unbearable at times. Our doc doesn't seem to think there is any type of medication that can be taken on a regular basis to give migraine relief. Currently just making occasional trips to the ER for treatment when the migraines get so unbearable they can't be tolerated. Any suggestions out there?
There are preventive medications, abortive prescriptions and over the counter meds as well that work; but, again, being elderly, different rules would apply and a neurologist would know best. Meanwhile, what I do to get some relief without medication is to get a hot water bottle and fill it with hot water to a temperature that is comfortable for the person. This is soothing. Depending on where the migraine is located (mine are in the back of my head or on the right side of my head) - I lay down on the hot water bottle. It's always good to be in a darkened room, away from sunlight as this exacerbates the migraine.
Also, if it is in the back of the head, my doctor has me put a cold can of soda at the base of my skull or a cold pack and this gives some relief. Some people do not like to apply anything cold (especially the eldery) but it does help.
I do hope you can get some help - and a good neurologist should be able to. Migraines are miserable. Take care.
Speak with your doctor. The trick will be to recognize symptoms of the onset of the migraine (by dementia patient) so he/she can take the medication right away. Once you get the migraine and it takes hold, it is much harder to gain any relief from the migraine med.
I've tried everything from ice packs, steam, caffeine, cold drinks, ice cream, etc. -- but I couldn't function without the triptens. Migraines are the most painful and dibilitating headaches that are not treatable by common aspirin, etc. and they can last for days.
Find a good headache specialist in your area -- most regular doctors do not understand the condition nor are current on the best treatments and meds available to help the patient. Yes, diet, triggers are important but some are unavoidable triggers like hormone fluctuations, barometric changes, etc.