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Foxxmolder, you couldn't have said it anymore perfect. I sure hope your response is read several times. Glornorth please listen all that everyone is saying. Cause you will eventually grow to despise your son and gf and that will make it a very hostile place for your mom. It's not a healthy place for anyone. I myself would kick them to the curb. I've been on very similar situation many years ago. I had to do the same thing. Saying don't let the door hit you on the on your way out !!!!
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I agree. No One knows how we feel and I am just learning how to do it. I didnt take care of myself and I had a seizure. My mom lives in her own apartment and in july she will be 91. I live ten minutes away from her. I go over every day to make sure she is okay and I talk to her alot.
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Wow sounds like my family: I went to ask my x sister in law who is a surgical nurse at Cedar Sinai for help because my mother can no longer walk and my brother is draining her bank account and she continues to go to work limping and comes home in pain crying and screaming.

You know what I got, I bunch of stupid b.... about how I am lucky my parents paid for my education which in fact they did not (student loans to prove it).

I will never ask again! Wow how sad I had to beg and pled a family member who is a surgical nurse for help!

I need to walk away and heart tugs because I love my mother. By the way, my brother does not even live with us.

The advice I got from the surgical nurse was basically to ignore it and stop talking about my they hire these kind of people at Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles?

By the way, it was first time I have ever asked her for help.
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Good luck Lovetheelederly. You are going to need tons of it!

Just like with child bearing, guys have NO IDEA what we go through to be successful caregivers. They need to walk in our shoes before they say a WORD. Lots of of ignoring and taking care of yourself FROM NOW ON.
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lovetheelederly I totally hear where your coming from something in my family no help!
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My husband has dementia. Our son, nephew and grand-niece moved in with us 6 mos. ago. Our son just got a divorce, nephew is changing career and grand-niece attending tech school, so they all left their homeland and moved to another state to stay with us.

Our nephew found a job 3 weeks after he got here, our son still procrastinating, grand-niece is handicaped and can't do school and work part-time. Our son became disrespectful towards me, so I kicked him out of the house. I told the other 2, the same thing will happen to them if they get out of hand. As "head of this household", who pays all the bills, buy all the groceries, take care of a dementia husband and home, I have the authority to kick them out because they were never invited to come to live with us.

Everyone is responsible to remind my husband to take his medication and if you don't cook or prepare any meals, then your the cleaner-upper. Our nephew helps with the meals and cleaning when he's off. Grand-niece does the kitchen after school and meals.

Remember honey, YOU'RE the "head huncho", you have enough on your hands to deal with ... get rid of them or make them follow Your rules.
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