His birth date is 4/30/1926. He has Parkinson's and is a Diabetic. He is having trouble keeping medicines straight. His memory is starting to fail him because of the Parkinson's Disease. He can still shuffle around. His family provides all assistance with administrating medicines and shots as well as meal preparation. Currently, he is in his home, but it is time to begin seeking help. I was looking at Vintage Park in Osawatomie, KS and it says accepts Verteran's Benefits.
Information about coming changes to the Aid & Attendance eligibility is at:
It is quicker and more personal to get the application process started through them than the national VA.
Aide and Attendance can be used for in home or In Facility assistance.
There is another program that is much faster and easier to get and it provides aides but not the pension. The Housebound Program. You can apply for that while you are waiting for Aide and Attend it will provide some respite.