
My mom (who has Alzhemier +stroke) and my dad (heart disease) has asked me to stay home with them to be their full time caregiver, They stayed overseas and I have to quit my job in San Diego to go back home to look take up this responsibility. For filing tax, if parents are non US citizen and the service provided is outside of US, how do I do it? Do I still file self employment tax? Mom has a rental property and rent was deposited into our joint name account. However, there was no official agreement between my parents and me that I can be paid or use funds from this account. Do I still report this rental income (50%) as my salary? So far, I have not withdrawn from this joint account and I have use my own savings to sustain myself.

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See an elder law attorney. What happens when their care becomes more than you can manage? What if one or the other becomes agitated and does not want you ther? Where will you go? Think very seriously about quitting your job, giving up your life for them. It will change you and your own financial security that you may never recover from.
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I would say that if you're not receiving a salary and there's no agreement to pay you, you have no income from employment or self-employment for tax purposes. However, I would consult a tax expert if I were in a complex situation like yours, especially if you start receiving money from that joint account or otherwise from your parents for caregiving.
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