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You can go to your state's ombudsman. The ombudsman is independent of any facility and is there to help you. You may want to read this article:

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Is there an alternative link for the Five Step aritcle? That page can not be found. I have become personally acquainted with the ombudsman, and she has been a great asset; however her powers are limited. She stated, "You know too much and they are afraid of you". Which does not stop the fraudulent reporting, the lies, and the manipulation. I am looking for a way to protect other familiy members who are the sole eyes and ears for their elder parents, family member and to expose the lack of training and incompetence of Care givers in both group homes and assisted living facilities, and the various ways this incompetence get's covered up in false reporting, and blaming family members.
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I tried this and it worked. But it's mainly about ombudsman. If you aren't getting what you need, I'd contact your state Congressman's office. You sound like you have a real mess on your hands. This kind of facility needs to be looked at by the law.

Good for you to stick up for everyone. Please let us know how this goes.

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Hi Jander, Begin with your local agencies. Local police dept, sheriff, may have a senior citizens fraud division. Also contact the District attorney in your area. The federal agency it is the Security and Exchange division. The Better Business Bureau may already have information or you can lodge a complaint. Adult Protective agency may do an investigation of your allegations. Then there is always your local news media. They are always looking for a good story in which to help Senior Citizens. Hope this helps. Peace, Linda
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Legal Aide is helpful. Many attorneys will advise first before they begin to charge you. You can lodge a complaint with the local state agencies for N Homes and Med Professionals.
Currently in my state the NH assoc has increased their lobby monies by 80%, so they now think they can do whatever they want. I'm in a fight myself. The NH has my Mother's ear 24/7 and can fill her head with whatever they wish. I only have Med POA if she is deemed incompetent and that is the last thing they will do because they know I will cut off their meal ticket. Hopefully the Ombudsman will help me protect my Mother from these vultures. I would rather this not escalate any further but it may. GOD will judge.
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I went to SOCIAL SERVICES for the ELDERLY, and reported my sister for "financial exploitation". I had all the documentation. Bank statements verified she obtained "bank checks", with my mother in the passenger seat who had been "deemed incompetent". The credit union knew this, I gave them a copy of the report. I faxed it to the "state of CONNECTICUT investigator". They did NOTHING....nothing....My sister obtained over $22,000.00 in just 2010, and S.S. claims, "as long as your mother was in the car and approved this, there is nothing we will do."
Social Services also took a complaint from a fired care-giver, 6 weeks after she was fired, claiming I was abusive to my mother 3 months prior. If anyone who is a mandated reported, does not report abuse within a week of it occurring, like duuuh, it is not a valid complaint. 2 months later and after being FIRED, seems like clear cut retaliation from the fired employee.
The state of Connecticut is the most CORRUPT of all states.
LOVELY, so now that my "incompetent mother with dementia, is out $250,000.00, and has about that much left to get by on, nobody thinks this is a crime? She should be in jail for taking advantage of our mothers vulnerable state.
My friend works for the same agency in NEW HAMPSHIRE. She told me CONNECTICUT ranks second to last in handling these issues. If this same incident was in N.H. the AG would be involved and my sister would have a restraining order against her, and would have her wages attached to pay the money back.
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Welcome to the corrupt world of elder care. The elderly have less rights than a dog. The folks who work in elder care understand the system and use it to their advantage. As the daughter of my elderly father (who has Alzheimer's) I have been embezzled by attorneys, care providers and care managers. The people we pay to provide and protect are the ones who know the system and know how to use it for personal financial gain. My father was a millionaire, but after his new wife and her adult son were finished he was a pauper. I was "ordered' by the state of CA to become his guardian. I was financially well to do myself, but after six years in elder care, I am now living on welfare, and have lost everything I worked my entire life for. The system is corrupt. Those who work in elder care, know, understand and take advantage of those of us who try to do what's right. There is very little legislation to protect the elderly, and those of us who use our personal funds in the name of justice, soon find ourselves on the outside looking in. I walked in like a sheep going to slaughter, with no training or experience in elder fraud or corruption, only an open generous heart, and found myself in the middle of the most corrupt game on the face of the earth. No one told me it was a game. I found myself forced to deal with folks who had little to no financial assets, and who saw my parent as their opportunity to strike it rich, and me as lamb to be slaughtered. It's a game, and those of us who came with an open heart and compassion… and no experience, lose to those who are sophisticated at the game of elder corruption.

It’s time those of us who have been taken advantage of form our own group to protect the rights of our parents. The schools have a school board, Realtors have the board of Realtors. The elderly have NO ONE. THERE IS NO ONE THAT PROTECTS THE ELDERLY OR THEIR FAMILIES THAT HAVE BEEN HARMED IN TRYING TO PROTECT THEM. My experience and education in elder care has cost me 6 years of my life, and over 1 million dollars.
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Jander, I agree with you 100% and also feel the need to become more active in Caregiver Advocacy. I have applied to East Carolina University for just that reason, I hope to attend their school of Social Work and work with their Institute on Aging with a goal to work specifically as a Caregiver Advocate in some way. I'd like to keep in touch with you about all this, I'll send a note to your profile page.

One more thing, this is the web adress of the National Family Caregiver Association,

They are the only formal group I found that deals with Political Action and involvement on behave of Family Caregivers. I have been a member for a couple of years now.

Stay Strong, Ted.
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Thanks for the info. I will contact them. As you, I intend to us my experience to make a difference for the elderly. Unless you have walked in the shoes of one of us who has been on the battlefield, one can have no idea of the abuse and exploitation that takes place, and the corruption that exists amongst those who are paid to protect!
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I worked in a Nursing Home and mostly on the floor where the resident had money.
I worked there over 10 years and saw time after time these residents moved downstairs where they were now taken care of by the state. The thing is everyone of the residents thought they were set for life, and would be taken care of forever on this floor? All of them had had plenty of money either from working a lifetime or from the work of their deceased spouses. They thought they were set for life. I never saw one make it to 5 years and the normal was 3 years? I decided then that the floor was making a killing off these residents. They had the same food as the ones downstairs and one house doctor for the entire building. I never understood how all their money ran out like it did? Always about the 3 year mark?
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All elderly die pitiable deaths at the hands of their own families - then the public finishes them off... This is a fact.
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I just went through my Mothers banks accounts of course without her knowledge, and see where differant companies mostly Christian groups, DAV other groups such as SPCA, ect. It's to the point she has over drafts on her bank account. How do I stop this because she says it's her business. They ar taking advantage of the elder those who are Christian given.
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It's sad that the nursing home had different people with different pay levels on different floors. In my community, the only way people know who is private pay and who is Medicaid (other than administration and some employees) is if someone has a private room. Many in double rooms were still paying their own way but going the cheaper route of shared rooms. Others were on Medicaid. I watched carefully through the years as many of my family members lived last months/years in a wonderful nursing home. Since I was there daily with my (at one time 3) family members, I had a good opportunity to watch how the care was parcelled out. My family was on private pay, and yes they received wonderful care, but no better than the others. I pray that eventually this will be the norm.
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I have contacted Ombudsman and it was a joke.......did you ever read what qualifications are needed to become an ombudsman in Florida......a smile.......they decided it was not abuse to take away a persons hearing aides who had mid stage now he just looks at the ceiling for 6 ears or out the window because he cannot hear the sister and brother in law also along with the nursing home concealed the death of my mother for two months who was his acting dpoa and indicated to me their was an alternate.....the nursing facility of Dad started to remove the visitation pages and forged greeting cards began to appear in Dads room....for 1.5 yrs my Dad had no representation...during this time, my sister and brother in law looted the house.....took things out of there that were to be given to me in Dads will.......changed his address illegally to their own po box so that they could collect mothers pension which was supposed to go to Dad.......then finally a Florida guardian was appointed.........hahaha...........apparently she is getting paid on the side too.....because it is my understanding that AFTER and INVENTORY of the house is done, the locks are supposed to be changed......not only have they not been changed, but the alarm system and the phone are still in the brother in laws name..............and the utilities are still in my Dads name and he has been in a nursing home for over 6 yrs.......I tried to report the change of the address (the law says it is a federal offense ) but the post office does nothing.........the money was stolen (it it was not , then they would not have had to return the money to the guardian to be put in a trust for Dad) - some one called me from Pinellas County to ask me how I knew the money was stolen.........well gee, what was her graduation level?? If it was not stolen, then Dads address would not have been re directed nor would they have had to return the money to the guardian..........the state of Florida is a Dad would have been better off in a vet clinic........the guardian is a joke........she is the guardian of estate but my sister and husband still have access to the house after the inventory but of course I don't ......because the alarm system is still in the brother in laws name
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