I cannot take it....and I am GETTING OUT of this....ONE WAY...or the other..I want a divorce after 30 years.......I want HALF...of everything and my INSURANCE through is government INS...I have WORKED all my life and EARNED more than him and GAVE him most every PAY check I made...NOW he is spending like a FOOD and won't give me POA...and I AM OUT OF HERE before he drives off and kills someone...He is preparing to go on a 6hr drive to visit my SON and stay awhile....if me makes it there alive...my son will use the credit cards taking advantage of the situation.....he will prob trick him into signing a POA....I am sick of being the only one caring and the one who is the enemy...so if he wants me for an enemy...he is going to get one...I AM TO TIRED OF THIS ....and I am not going to live my life with a lunatic....if I keep this up...I will be the LUNATIC...I think it is time to CUT our LOSSES now...before we end up on the NEWS...and NANCY GRACE Is having a FIELD day with the outcome...when the SHIP starts SINKING...you be the captain...I am NOT going DOWN! ...I am Going to see a good lawyer and filing for Divorce...enough of this for me!
Whose name is the car in? The car insurance? I would call the insurance agent and seek some advice about that.
This is first of all about protecting yourself, your sanity and your assets as a community spouse. Please let us know what happens. Hugs and good thoughts to you.
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