Fifty five year old brother moved in with my mother due his own poor health condition expecting her to care for him despite opposition from other siblings. He has applied for subsidized housing, qualifies for his own housing, but won't follow through and move out. He has hoarded mother's apartment and threatened other tenants when they suggest he help our mother. Eighty five year old mother would like for him to leave, but he refuses. Other siblings have tried to help get him out, but he's been defensive and he feels victimized. My mother has recently been diagnosed with cancer and other siblings are concerned about quality of life issues for 85 year old mother. Main concern is that the mother has become the caretaker for her son. I am holding a family meeting at my home to hopefully get all siblings on board to help get him to follow up with his own housing options and move on his own. My mother suffers from low self esteem and finds it difficult to ask for help. She has asked him to leave, but he won't. She did ask for help from her other children to get 55 year old brother out and wants to live independently in her one bedroom apartment and clear out belongings accumulated by 55 year old son.
Another suggestion, maybe it's time for Mom to move into an independent senior facility, and your brother would be way too young to be allowed to move in with her. Just a thought.