
My mother is living in a assisted living facility but makes $46.00 too much each month ( state rules) to be there so they moved her to the memory care side of the facility. I`m told by doctor that she has vascular dementia BUT not enough to be locked up. Other residents in there are way into their dementia issues, sad to say. I want to get her back to the assisted side but keep hitting a brick wall. I hate this for her, it`s killing me to see this going on. Has anyone else gone through this? Does anyone have any answers regarding this situation? What can I do? Who can I go to, up the ladder to help change this situation? Help.

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Here in NY the state law says AL residents have to be able to get to and from the dining hall independently. They have to be compliant with staff directions. If they are a "Traveler" and are a risk of wandering off, they can't stay.
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Mockingbird, I know what you are feeling, as I had the same feelings when Dad's complex said it was time for Dad to move to the Memory Care side of Assisted Living.

Dad was living in a very nice full size apartment, but he was becoming more of a fall risk, was having sundowning, and the Staff said it is time to move or bring in 24-hour caregivers. We tried the professional Agency caregivers and that worked great but it was draining Dad's retirement funds. Dad wanted something less expensive so he agreed to Memory Care with a studio apartment because of all the money he would be saving. He loved all the attention he was getting, plus there were more men in this section so he was making new buddies :)

Yes, I had noticed some of the other residents who were much further along with their memory issues. But I also had noticed how quickly Dad's memory was disappearing, further along then I had thought... I had to remember this was my first rodeo, not that Staff's. So the Staff was right on target. I was able to sleep better at night knowing Dad was in a "locked building" because that was one of my fears of him just walking out the front door and getting lost.
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