
I bought my mother a nice throw blanket and now it is missing. My mother, who has dementia, has been at this facility for only one month. Is this common at facilities and what should I do? I reported the loss but nothing is being done.

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Was her name on it?
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Sharon, since your Mother has dementia, would it be possible that she gave the throw blanket to someone else in the facility as a *gift*?
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Sharon, items missing in NHs have many different explanations. Yes, in some places, things go missing. Name tags help. Sometimes, a piece of my mom's clothing go missing and turn up a week kater. I would discourage bringing "nice" things to a nh. We have provided my mom with a Land's End polar fleece blanket with her name embroidered on it.
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Missing stuff happens in all facilities. Please get a marker and label all her things, even the underwear. Sort of like going to camp. If your only problem is a missing blanket, she is getting excellent care.
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Thank you for your responses. I did mark the blanket and all of her clothing with her name on it. It seems that three of her nightgowns are also missing. From this point on, I will be marking her name on the outside of her clothes to prevent loss. I do her laundry so there should not be missing items. I just bought her this blanket three weeks ago. It is very sad that these things happen. My mother's care is hit or miss depending on the staff. Some employees are better than others. The facility is okay but it ranks very low with DADS. This facility was picked because it was close to where I live so I could go visit often.
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Thank you so much for your responses. The blanket was found and her nightgowns showed up as well.

Thank you for letting me vent.
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