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my grandad was the same way, wouldnt even shut up if everyone left the room. baked in the head. coulda removed his vocal cords and used him for a window fan..
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It is common in some phases of some kinds of dementia. It happens sometimes in the lonely elderly.

Can you provide a little more information, such as his age and health status?
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How old is granddad? How long as this excessive, obsessive talking been going on? Are there any other unusual behaviors? How is his memory?

To find out what kind of help he needs, if any, I'd start with his primary care provider. If he doesn't have one, I think establishing a relationship with a geriatrician is the starting place.
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my grandpa finally choked on his nose hairs and died. he actually died of brain cancer at about 88 yrs old but the nose hairs are what i remember most..
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My grandpa is in his 80s, i have actually not noticed it first hand because in the larger family outings I had assumed he was having normal conversations with family... It was only this time I had experienced first hand that these conversations are one-sided..
I will ask my parents how long this has been going on for.
I will ask my parents whether his has a primary health care provider.
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partner will know more, but parents are a good place to start. If he's been this way for 50 years he's just become "more himself". Beginnings of dementia might also look like this though. Any issues with self-neglect/hygiene (though family gatherings might not be the place to notice, since he might be spiffied up by others for the occasion).
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Sorry, I don't know how to edit this but somehow it posted without me writing the rest of the story.
I only just visited my grandfather yesterday with my parents ad two of my aunts, this was a much more smaller family visit, so I have noticed this, when previously I haven't in the larger family gathering.
My grandfather just doesn't stop talking, we went over to his place to take him out to dinner, but he got angry when we said 'let's go to dinner' and he made us all sit down and he starts talking. His partner says he would talk even if there is no one around. I cannot fully understand what he says as it is a different dialect, but even my parents have trouble understanding him because his stories are all over the place, things that happened from the past to the present.
My auntie seems slightly annoyed when we got there, only later that I realised that she tried to have a conversation with him, and he told her off for talking back to him. So the only acceptable responses from us is 'ah' 'yes' 'hm' sort of things.
When we finally went to dinner, he didnt stop talking even with food in his mouth, and he didnt finish his food until the waiter had completely cleared the table. There are brief moments when his mind is here and now.
Mum and dad says that too much is going on in his head and he needs help.
What sort of help are we looking at? Medicational or psychological?
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how long has this been going on? inhibitions can be lowered by aging ("when I am old wear purple" poem is the HEALTHY example of this, your grad dad may be unhealthy example).
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I have a 90+ yo neighbor who never shuts up also......her family has stopped visiting & most of the neighbors have had their fill. She is demanding, needy & for a time would call 911 frequently just for them to tell her she's fine....refuses all home assistance (except for kids to cut the grass). We say she'll probably outlive all of us! Also says she's blind but lives alone & watches everything going on around her.
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