My grandfather racked up about $40,000 worth of hospital bills and soon after, he passed away. My grandmother racked up about $10,000 worth of hospital bills. They both don't have Medicare A because they didn't work in the US long enough to qualify for Social Security (they are immigrants) but they have a fair amount of savings so they don't qualify for Medicaid.
My grandmother is exhausted and demential and sees the hospital bills and just says "Forget it. I don't want to pay it. What are they going to do to an old lady like me?"
Is she okay in doing that? Will I be responsible for her debt when she passes away?
OP the answer is yes she does or they'll find a way to take it.
Any money left when they die must be used for outstatnding bills even if they don't have enough to go to probate.
It is true that we all bear the cost of unpaid medical bills through our taxes and higher insurance premiums.
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