
and my grandfather had to pull her pants up while she was at the kitchen sink after urinating in a jar. My grandmother (who has severe Myositis and is confined to a wheelchair) has pneumonia AGAIN (she had it 2 weeks ago) and she had to call my grandfather to pull up her pants for her after she obviously peed in a jar out in the kitchen. Is it time for her to go to the hospital?? She seems to be comfortable right now but my grandfather will call us if the need arises

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Wouldn't it be better to get your grandmother a commode?
Helpful Answer (3)
worriedinCali Oct 2019
Her grandmother won’t use one. The OP has a few posts about grandma’s bathroom issues.....
Myosystitis should not keep her from using the toilet. The woman can stand from wheelchair. She should be able to transfer to commode. If she is peeing in a jar or teacup this may be more of a mental health issue.

Peeing in a Depend would be better than peeing in a teacup or jar in the the kitchen. This is totally unsanitary.
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She is unable (either she physically can’t or she somehow can and is refusing) to use a commode
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anonymous839718 Oct 2019
Your grandmother needs to be in hospital. She needs to have an evaluation for she can’t use a toilet. Find out if it is physical or a mental health issue. Peein a jar in the kitchen is not normal and is totally unsanitary for everyone in the home.
Obviously your grandmother should be in the hospital if she has another case of pneumonia......or at least seen in the ER to determine the severity of this infection, or if the last case ever cleared up completely.

What I wonder is why you feel the need to mention her "peeing in a jar" EVERY time you post, even when your question has nothing whatsoever to do with urination or where she's doing it?
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This is not normal. As others said if she can stand from a wheelchair to go in a cup she can use a toilet or commode.
It certainly sounds psychological.
Ima gonna skip this going forward. The fact that it occurs in the kitchen of all places and is allowed to continue is not good. Mom needs some help whether it’s from a psychiatrist or a urologist.
Please no more talk of the act of micturation in the area that is not a bathroom. Thank you.
I would take her to the ER if you think she had symptoms of recurrent pneumonia.
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Everything you’ve said in your posts indicates that your grandmother CAN pee in a toilet or commode but she won’t do it. If she can stand and pee in a jar, she can sit on a comode. I don’t think she’s firing with all cylinders here! But I think the pneumonia is more serious than her choice of bathrooms.
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Disney3216 - Have you contacted her doctor about #1: pneumonia, hospitalization? #2: her problems re not urinating in a toilet or commode?
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Disney3216 Oct 2019
I’m not her caregiver so to speak. My mom takes care of everything regarding medical with my grandmother (makes appointments, takes her to the doctors etc) but I don’t think all this is an issue at least right now (my aunt came to the house last night to visit and she told grandma that she is “comfortable” with her urinating and possibly defacating in the kitchen rather than in the bathroom (my grandfather is taking off the toilet bars because obviously they don’t need them anymore).
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