so she thinks she has bathed in the morning but she's been dirty for 3 days straight. We can't force her since she's almost 90. She remembers EVERYTHING else she is supposed to do. She can't control her peeing as she has bladder problems.
She is told to wear dipers but she doesn't do that either. She says she has but doesn't let us check. We can manage cleaning up after her but the smell of clothes stained from pee for 3 days spreads through the house. and we have to give her injections on her upper inner thigh everyday and that area STINKS.
She wets the cushioned chairs too, sometimes. She is a very stubborn lady and if we are too harsh she will start crying and that's the end of conversation. I am 15 and she doesn't take me seriously. If my mom says anything she gets offended and angry.
I tell you what, I'm doing my pelvic floor exercises every day now! (I'd forgotten to do them for years, but that was a huge reality check!)
Although my mum thought I was nuts, she laughed and did appreciate it.
If your nan is forgetting, rather than deliberately refusing to wear them, then she needs home carers to come in to help when you and your mum aren't there.
They can bathe her too. Your nan would probably prefer that to her daughter and grandaughter.. May be a pride thing.
What a great idea for the wipes-warmer! I wish I had thought of that when my mom needed wipes. Thank you for the great input.