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Yes, very much so. I do see a therapist and she encourages me to find time to take breaks and do things for myself, which I do. And I enjoy those things while I am doing them (Going to a concert or comedy show with my family, having lunch with a friend, etc). But the rest of the time? I just can't make myself do anything in my day-to-day life. No gardening, no embroidering, no crafts, no decorating. It's hard just to make myself get up and clean or get up and shower. I have heart failure so I am limited in the anti-depressants I can take. I was able to increase my dosage last year but it's just not enough. I don't even do day to day care of my mom. She is in a memory care facility. It's just everything that has happened in the last 18 months.

I'm sorry if this is a downer. I just want you to know you are not alone and I hope you are able to get to a place of being excited about your life again.
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faithfulbeauty, I feel like you are expressing all of my thoughts! I, too, feel like I have lost joy, and wish I could afford regular therapy, not to mention the time to spend on myself.
We do have one big difference, though. I am caring for my husband, whom I love more than anything. I am frustrated at what he has become, and that my days are filled with changing soiled diapers and washing soiled linens. But I remind myself that I would rather live like this than to live without him around. He was the ONLY person who was ever really good to me in my life.
I have already told my dad that I am not taking care of him if he needs help. He will be placed in an appropriate facility to care for his needs. Fortunately, he has a wife who is close to my age, so I am hoping it will be her problem to work out.
You, my dear, are carrying extra stress and resentment, knocking yourself out for someone you don't feel deserves it. You are not taking care of yourself. You can place your father in Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facility without feeling guilty. He will be well taken care of there by professionals who will treat him like any other patient, without the resentment and the history.
And if you ever just want to talk, to vent, feel free to message me directly. I am happy to listen to your stories of aggravation and commiserate! I'm no professional counselor, but it may help to express your feelings and have another perspective, or just to know that others are dealing with the same frustrations.
Helpful Answer (3)
faithfulbeauty Mar 5, 2024
I feel like I'm running on empty. It is extremely tough and I'm glad I have this forum to be able to connect with people who understand. I'm gaining weight because I do not have time to prepare healthy meals. I eat on the run a lot. But starting tomorrow, I'm going to make the time.
Oh Goodness! Yes and yes and yes. At first thought I could handle it fine, but as I've become older and my mother too (93) and it's been going on 7 years, it has become an enormous challenge because I have no one helping to relieve all the duties of house maintenance, bills, strategy of finances, cooking meals or deciding to pick up food to go and then on top of that I work in the evenings. And it's not even because she can't get around or go to the bathroom on her own. It's her dementia. Her cognitive skills are declining, so she can't remember how to sometimes do simple things, we take for granted. Many times I get burned out. The once a month caregiver group meetings I try to attend are informative and wonderful WHEN I can get to them clear across town. I suffer from anxieties and depression off and on, but fortunately, not lasting for a straight. I find that if I can manage some sort of escape, whether it's walking, or an exercise class, or a talk with a friend (not necessarily about caregiving, but other good distractions) it helps lift me and I am more hopeful. I also cannot afford a counselor at this time, so actually this site is helpful when I have time to get on it. I am an artist, so have not painted in years nor played my guitar and sang. I used to perform at open mikes. But I sing in the house and I try to go hear friends perform who play in small venues. I find that any little thing I can do that pleases me helps. You have to just find little joys. Caregiving is hard because also I am not relating to someone I love in the same way anymore and even though I know enough about dementia to realize it's not really my mother, but her brain changing and acting up, it is still a challenge to learn different, more calming ways to communicate with her. And that is the main key ( relearning how to communicate) to calm anxieties in her and me. There is so much I cannot afford, but I just try to take it day by day. There will be damage, but you can/will learn to navigate your new life in a different way. And everything depends, all your decisions, on how much you can take and how long you want to be in it and the progression of the patient. You can look into your area and see if it has group therapy/meetings for caretakers. I think if you are in counseling and just going when you can is terrific. Keep it up. And good luck! It definitely is not for everyone and it usually falls on someone's lap and I think it's been the hardest job I've ever done and there is like over 30 million people doing this.
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Yes. I've been sole CG for 2.5 years now and previously had been able to enjoy doing my favorite crafts (crocheting for one). My dad's recent decline has sucked all of my energy and enthusiasm from me. I forced myself to go to the gym the yesterday and I caught myself beginning to cry while I was on the treadmill.
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Di1961 Mar 7, 2024
Me too. 2 and half years. I feel like I have no zest for life, my soul is gone. All the comments I can relate to. I cry, try to done something for myself, but my Mom is &5 bedridden with dementia. It’s so depressing to see this everyday.
Usually losing interest in things you enjoy is a symptom of depression or burnout or even a physical issue. I am glad you are setting boundaries. Please prioritize your health. Get a good medical examination. Ask for a mental health referral to a psychiatrist if no physical problems are identified. There are wonderful treatments out there for depression - which is often called "the common cold of mental health" since so many people do experience depression.
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Care giving is a selfless act of kindness that can absolutely make you focus on others to a point where you can easily lose yourself.Try to step back a little if you can give yourself a break. Get some help and try to do the caregiving partime.You will find yourself again.
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faithfulbeauty Mar 7, 2024
I have definitely lost myself. I'm thankful that we have a lady who helps out in the mornings but I'm afraid she is getting tired because she also has another job.
I could not do this (full-time caregiving) with out my low does SSRI. Talk to a doctor. Take care of yourself! Easier said than done, I know!
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I discovered it's one of the signs of burnout.
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Caregiving for me highjacked my talents in sewing. I knew I still had it, but I had limited time because of always having to look out for other people. To tell you the truth, I'm tired of it even though I do it sometimes professionally. I found out that dealing with sick people follows the same dysfunctional dynamics like when I was dealing with my immediate family including being criticized for not doing more, not being able to enjoy my downtime and constantly being on edge all the time. I would probably do better in a facility because at least there is help there, and I wouldn't be doing the one on one that can be nerve racking not being to escape for five minutes to get some air. Taking the trash out was the only respite I had with my last case. These people would get more and more demanding and needy, talk all of the time, and I would be blue in the face because of it. However, society sets all of these rules for caregivers and other people professions that we must be patient, kind, loving and empathetic. Okay, we are all of these things, but we are burning out! Some of us are angry as hell and depressed because even if we don't know it yet, our bodies tell us enough is enough. Change something! For me, I think I need to learn to be patient, kind, loving and empathetic to myself.
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faithfulbeauty Mar 7, 2024
You are so right! Society sets all these rules for us. We are suppose to put ourselves on the back burner no matter what. My hair has started shedding and I know it is stress. Plus, my dad often has an attitude with me ( he always has). On my days off, he always has something for me to do but I have started saying no. If it something important like going to get medication or a doctor's appointment, I will but sometimes he find things that really don't need doing or matter. I have a week off next week and I'm not looking forward it. I just want to be happy again and enjoy my life.
I am soo happy I found this site! YES! Like you I am working to set boundaries and take care of myself but as you say the damage has been done. I have not tried counseling yet. Today, when people ask me what my hobbies are I just stare at them blankly while I try to think of something to say. We are all burned out and I'm just happy I found this site with other people who are going through the same experience and understand.
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faithfulbeauty Mar 10, 2024
This sight has been very helpful to me! It took me a long time to set boundaries. A friend of mine explained how important boundaries are and that is when I started doing it. As I said, the damage has already been done, but I feel more in control of my life. I also recommend counseling. It has helped me as well.
Yes, definitely 💯
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Yes. I'm scared to be happy or look forward to anything anymore
Helpful Answer (3)
faithfulbeauty Mar 13, 2024
@BrandyT, I understand. With my situation, my dad does not want me to go anywhere or do anything fun. I have learned to to not tell him until the last minute when I'm going out of town because I noticed that he would always start complaining about not feeling well or say he needed to go to the doctor. Yesterday, as we were talking to a family friend, the friend said that they liked to travel and I said that I did as well and that I hoped to travel out of the country one day. Dad said.. " I have already been, there is nothing to see. You will get somewhere and wont be able to get back." He is very negative anytime I express an interest in doing something. So my advice to you is to please try not be scared. Do all that you can to enjoy yourself. Life is too short not to. My dad has lived his life and had fun while doing it often at the expense of my mom and I, but he has a problem with me living my life to the fullest.
When my LO was almost ready to be discharged from rehab after a stroke, I was subject to meetings with the OT, PT, speech therapist, and so on. The social worker interviewed me extensively as to what kind of life I'd lived prior to LO's stroke. I told her - work, recreation, family activities, leisure.

She looked me in the eye and said, "You can forget all of that. You're a caregiver now."

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faithfulbeauty Mar 13, 2024
We should not have to forget all of that. I've read many times that sometimes the caregivers are the ones who become in worse shape or as worse shape as the person they are caring for and that sometimes the person who is being cared for, lives longer than the caregiver because of stress. Stress causes many illnesses. We just have to do the best we can while also taking care of our own needs.
This may not be relevant for other people, but I find I’ve ‘lost’ a lot of things because of Covid. We caught it at a theatre performance. We’ve stopped so many things since – theatre, cinema, restaurants, anything with crowds. Some of them stopped happening (for a while, or still haven't started again), some we just don’t do any more. And of course we’re getting older, mid 70s, and have been unwell. We’ve lost habits. Perhaps more than one thing makes us ‘lose’ the things we used to enjoy.
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waytomisery Mar 13, 2024
I agree. There are some things we don’t do anymore , large crowds , concerts, sports arenas , movies . We watch on TV at home .
We do go to restaurants sometimes , we felt we had to do something or lose all friends . We also go just the two of us but we go off peak hours, less crowded .
I have asthma, DH is diabetic , not good when you come down with Covid , Flu etc .
Not even retired yet . I have thought about how my parents and in laws never worried about anything like this during their retirement years. I feel we’ve “ lost “ feeling comfortable doing things . We’ve lost the type of retirement our parents had due to Covid .

Even though Flu in our lifetime was always around it did not put the fear in some of us to limit things like experiencing the Covid pandemic did .

We did go on beach vacation last year . We wore good masks on the plane .
This year driving to a beach condo that we rented. Who knows how long we will continue to do these things.
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Yep. And I also feel guilty for feeling this way. I am by nature a very enthusiastic and energetic human, full of joy & curiosity. After 11 months of caring for both my parents who have dementia and mobility issues, I feel drained & merely existing, not really living. It’s probably a bit of depression setting in, at the reality of my situation (being that I am losing both my loving parents simultaneously and alone). I find myself not reaching out to friends or making any efforts to go out. I don’t pursue my passions anymore b/c there is no time. Too many duties that require immediate attention. I think I’ve just become sad and as a result, things seem less fun perhaps. My time with them is limited but I know I meed to find better balance to enjoy them and me.
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faithfulbeauty Mar 20, 2024
Yes, please try your best to find time to enjoy yourself. Please do this. I have begun to do it and I should have a long time ago but even now when I try, sometimes I do not have the motivation. I signed up for a fun work event and I almost want to cancel because I'm exhausted physically and mentally. I was at my dad's yesterday and had to clean up dried feces from the floor and I think I almost had a breakdown. It was at that point that I started thinking about not going to the event I signed up for. I'm going to push myself to go. If it were not for work, I would probably be in worse shape mentally.
Yes, right now I'm lying on the bed, looking out the window at the river, and surfing the internet.
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Starrann69 Mar 20, 2024
I lay in bed and dread my dad calling for me each morning at 8 am. There was a time in my life when I would be up and about by 5 am enjoying the day.
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