. . . what specific tests should I be asking for?
Mom diagnosed with mild cognitive disorder 10/2019, in hospital, via 10ish questions at bedside by psychiatrist. Since that time, she won’t return because she ‘doesn’t relish the tests they’ll give her’. Her DL is now suspended. Am hoping this neuro office will call Mom to request her to come in....
I want to ask that appropriate tests be given to Mom, to help her process this diagnosis and discuss the prognosis with her. She certainly doesn’t listen to me or want to be shown the hospital reports, which I’ve tried to show her.
Good luck.
There was a fascinating article in last Sunday New York Times in the business section about how many seniors are getting into real money problems with loss of executive function showing up many years before a diagnosis, often as many a 6 years. That is concerning.
If you are at all keeping a diary of what is going on, what symptoms are occurring, do share your information and it may help the MD made decisions of which tests to do.
my mom knows she has some memory deficits, but since I had shared with the doctor that she wouldn’t want to hear the AD diagnosis, the follow up discussion of her test results just focused on where she was strong or weak. There’s no point in trying to discuss a diagnosis with them if they can’t accept/process it, and with the memory loss it’s like you deliver it anew and upset them each time you try to discuss it. Just easier not to go there, in that case.