I watch my Mom in her sleep and she quits breathing for about 30 seconds, then gasps and takes about 4 deep hard breaths. I keep wondering is this it? Then she will breathe normally again. This morning at 2am, I heard this moan and it was constant; I tried to wake her to see what was wrong and she wouldn't respond. I took her blood pressure and it was 145/115. Again, Is this IT? Finally she stopped and began breathing normally again, B/P went down. This is a constant stressful thing to witness so soon after watching my Dad pass away. I truly hate this part of life.
I hope that your mother passes peacefully for her sake and yours. ~Summer
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago......Mom admitted to the hospital for UTI and AFIB.....2nd day suffered stroke. She went in walking, talking, feeding herself, going to the bathing and came out bedfast & totally dependent.
I am trying to come to terms with all this as I am the only child.....and having to make all the decisions. Hospice has helped me a lot.
I don't even know what to pray for lately......someddays I don't.