
My mother's things are at my sister's house in a different state. We have a very tumultuous relationship. I don't believe there is much of value, but I would like to make sure nothing of sentimental value is lost. I have POA but I don't see how that comes into play here. What if anything can I do?

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My mother has nothing of 'value' and few things I would consider to even have sentimental value. She has, over the years, promised many of her 'valuable' things to several people. She puts sticky notes on the bottom of the item and there will probably already be 2 or 3 names on this already.

She's 'promised' me the bedroom set that was my Grandma's and the only thing I would even care about having. Just heard that when she passes the oldest daughter of the 'house' (Mom lives with YB and his family) will inherit these lovely pieces of furniture. I'm glad I found out, in a roundabout way about this switcheroo. Not that is makes any difference to me, really, I am just glad I won't have to be hurt and surprised at the time.

No 'thing' is worth the grief that can be caused by an elder forgetting to whom they have 'promised' stuff and how it can literally break up families for good.
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I would want the pictures for Mom. Looking at them may bring her some joy. I love to look at pictures even if I don't know everyone in them.

Maybe sister can scan and email.
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Thank you for the update.  It is horrible when siblings do not get along...I feel as though I have lost years off of my life from the stress of it all.  I think its a good idea to see if your daughter can talk to your sister and ask for some photos or at least to get copies of the photos.  Having that buffer between the two of you might get the result you want.

Good Luck.
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Thanks for all the advice. My mother lives in a residential home for dementia patients a few miles from my home, I am her caregiver in addition to the staff there. My sister lives in another state. I reached out to her to inquire as to what things she has from Mom's house (she handled the sale and assured my mother that she would save all of the "important things" for her). She refused to let me know what she has. I do know that she has all of my mother's photos. That is really the only thing I care about. I have no pictures of me, my family, my parents when I was growing up, my mother saved them all. Therefore it would be heartbreaking if these pictures were destroyed. I've enlisted the assistance of my daughter who will reach out to her Aunt and ask for the photos. Hoping she's successful. Again thanks for all the advice. I'm still in shock that this relationship has become so toxic.
New Year, New attitude...….avoid the drama.
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worriedinCali Jan 2020
Thanks for updating us & good luck! I hope your daughter is able to work something out with your sister.
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Yes, It is sure a Sure thing you have POA over Mom and Can Demand to Put wha tyou Want NOW in your own Care over There.xx
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There isn't necessarily anything of any cash value at all - the items I've kept that belonged to my mother are mainly photographs and books, and the lost item that I'm most annoyed about is her address book. Which my sister took immediately after her death, volunteering to notify mother's friends and former work colleagues, and then tossed. Adding insult to injury by claiming that she'd asked me if I wanted it. And further insult over many months after mother's death and her funeral from the number of people who expressed their hurt at not having been informed.

Now I'm sorry I started answering...

Sigh. FloridaCare, one thing you perhaps can do is use your mother's money and your POA to hire a storage unit and pay a removals team to clear your mother's possessions out of your sister's house under your sister's supervision. Might she co-operate with that?
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I don't know if what I did when my Mother went into a Memory Care home, could work in your situation. I was Mother's care giver and had POA. One sister out of state, not able to travel. I photographed everything, nothing really of great value, but things my sis and her children might have wanted to remember Mom/Grandma with. I numbered each photo, so they could indicate what on a particular photo was what they wanted to be saved for them.

I would hope this could work for you if you asked your sister to do the same. Even if it is a few photos out of a photo album that you would want. Hopefully there will be compassion.
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anonymous275216 Jan 2020
What a sensible way of handling things. I will be telling my siblings about this one for sure.
Consult with an attorney about your concerns.
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How functioning is mom? Can she still write/type coherently or maybe she could be taped or recorded saying what her wishes are? Does Mom live with sis? What type of poa,and is there a letter of competency stating mom/principal truly understood the document and powers given to you? Verify legality and have poa as specifics possible re. What is wanted(behaviour or outcomes,et.c and Why) I am nonpoa daughter who moved in with parents to care for selfish,poa sisters came in last summer and enmasse,dumped valuables,artwork,heirlooms,financial docs.,my stuff,donatables,u name it.i am now in 2 court cases with them. Seek council from county social or elderservices and Catholic charities or other socialagency.also contact local americanbarassoc. Group for law referrals. Go online and seek cheap/free legal advice,it is out there! Do not wait until matters become more complex,it'll be worse for everyone. Good luck!
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worriedinCali Jan 2020
The OPs mother lives in assisted living.
When my gram moved in with my mom, they combined their household goods - saving the best of each and allowing the rest to go. Children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren got chances to pick from the rejects. The rest was donated to Salvation Army type thrift stores.

When Gram died, my mom kept the household items. Then the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren got to select a momento or two from Gram's personal items. Things nobody wanted were donated to same Salvation Army type thrift shops. Maybe your sister would agree to similar arrangement.
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FloridaCare1958, I am so sorry to read your post and I truly understand your concern(s).
1. Do you have any siblings?
2. Have any items magically disappeared?
3. Does Mom have a Will? If so, have it recorded with the County Recorder's office. Not every State allows this, but you can make the argument as POA. This is important if your State is Probate. This will also help your argument should a 'new' Will be presented by a sibling; this will then become an issue of fraud or advantage of an elderly person.
4. Call the insurance company to ask about whether or not ALL of the contents of the home are insured. Ask for a recommendation for a company to video everything in the house. This will serve many issues that could pop up.
5. This will cost a bit, I had to pay $500 for a basic service from an Estate evaluation company to come into my Mother's home to take pictures, determine hers/his/theirs (I have ugly step-siblings who are EXTREMELY GREEDY). The company will place on CD as well as provide you with a catalog of everything with the listed value and the total value of the estate. If you have an attorney make sure she/he receives a copy too. Give copies of ALL LEGAL documents for attorney's file regarding your position of the POA.
6. As POA, you do have the right to take ANYTHING OF VALUE from the home ONLY AFTER INFORMING ATTORNEY AND PROVIDING PICTURES OF THE ITEMS, BUT you must place it all in a safety deposit box for Estate settlement. This will also protect property if you have in-home care as well as proving YOU didn't take it for yourself. My Mother had some very expensive jewelry and heirlooms which are no longer around. I do not have any idea who either talked Mom into giving a piece to them or if someone in the family (including step-children) went through her jewelry box and stole pieces.
7. Constantly check the County Recorder's website for ANY DOCUMENTS FILED. You should be able to print ALL documents and attachments. This will help should someone talk Mom into signing legal documents should she be suffering from dementia etc. Persons with any mental issues cannot sign a legal/binding document.
8. Become Guardian so no one in your family can question your acts to protect unless they take you to Court. Talk with your attorney about this.

I am Mom's Guardian as well as living out of State. I have a Court order which allows me to keep every family member from entering the house since I had to place Mom in assisted living. I changed all the locks, pissed off ugly step-sister and I only gave a key to Mom's 2 brothers for emergencies. Ugly step-sister is now forced to 'settle' monetarily as I am getting a protective asset divorce for Mom. Ugly step-sister will have to accept MY demands or at least 99.9% especially as I have several State/Federal illegal actions she did. The State is 50%-50% marital debt or Community property and she owes Mom's Estate just under $90.000 now.
Cover every single scenario you may encounter. It may not be something to worry but just like questions, there isn't a stupid questionable situation. Make sure your attorney provides you with Federal/State statutes in laymen verbiage. I have 3 ring binders full.

If I had not done this I would not have ever caught the change of beneficiary deed my older sister had Mom sign! THE NOTARY DID NOT COMPLY WITH THE NEW REVISIONS.
My attorney wasn't aware of some very important changes until I pointed them out to her and she is a notary. Print a copy and place it in a binder so you are able to have immediately at your fingertips.
Helpful Answer (3)
worriedinCali Jan 2020
Dkentz, the OP cannot “call the insurance company” to find out if the contents of the home are insured. Her mother’s property is in her sisters home. She would have to know the insurance company, the policy number and impersonate her sister in order to get info from her sisters insurance policy. And the sister does not have to allow any company in to her to home to record video.
I'd consult with an attorney and share your concerns. They should be able to view the POA and tell you if and how it applies to gathering and documenting mom's personal property. It may be that it's within your duty to log and maintain the property, however, since that duty ends with her death, you'd need to see who is the executor or administrator of the estate. Are you the executor too? Plus, with the items being in another state......that's a tough one.
Helpful Answer (2)

Perhaps if you contact her and indicate you would like to help her clear up space in her home for anything she doesn't want, she might be receptive. She may not want all that stuff cluttering up her house. Your profile indicates mom is in AL, but not whether she is near you or your sister. If she is near you, adding that mom would like to have various items herself and you are willing to pick them up/deliver them to mom might work too.

When cleaning out mom's condo so we could sell it (she is still alive, in MC), my brothers indicated anything they would like to have and took those. I opted for a few things, but not much. Most of the clothing ended up going to Goodwill. Some furniture went to a donation place. Finally got YB to take 4 LARGE boxes of shoes out of my garage (no idea what he did with them, just glad they are GONE!)

I was waiting for my current house repairs/renovations to be done so I could go through all my stuff and store or pitch things, so I really didn't want to add much to this mess! Unfortunately OB kept bringing stuff here and now I need to go through all that crap too. Fake plants. Cleaning products I don't use. Various little items, some broken, most of which I have no use for and they are certainly not sentimental items for me or mom. SO much "stuff"!

If she isn't willing to talk to you or part with the items, so be it. No sense in wasting energy being angry about it, it isn't worth it. Sad to lose anything that has sentimental value for you and/or mom, but at the least she can't take your memories!
Helpful Answer (2)
jambrose11 Jan 2020
Wrong! If this lady cares enough to think about this and type the inquiry,I think she wants practical,legal real help. There must be something/s of importance. Maybe she could pop in unannounced or a friend/ other relative could pop in and look around,get a sense of the situation. Is it hoarded? Is everything gone? Can some of the se timental items be seen? First step is to assess legality of poa and what specifically it does and does not Allow the agent to do on principals behalf.
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Lots of good advice here, and I hope you can mend fences with your sister. I don't know what kinds of items are involved in your situation, but if they are not one-of-a-kind things, you may be able to find them on sites like Etsy or eBay or in antique stores. My sister got some things I'd wanted to have that I thought were unique until I started looking on places like eBay and found the exact items or ones very similar. Yes, I had to buy them at a small price, but they give me pleasure and remind me of times past just the same.
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Really all you can do is attempt to have a conversation with your sister.  You need to go by the old theory of "you can get more bees with honey than vinegar".  If your mom does not have a will detailing who gets what, simply state that you know there are things of your mothers that may hold sentimental value to both of you and ask if you can discuss what those items are for each of you and come to an agreement about them.  Even if you dont get along, I don't know how any rational person could respond with, "no I'm keeping it all". 

My sister in law just started throwing things in a shipping box without any discussion which totally pissed us off.  On top of it all, there was some furniture that had been in the family for a century and she shipped it to her home in California and there is no one there to leave it to...  so after her demise, it is out of the family.

Emotions run high with all of this stuff and at the end of the day it is just stuff.  Try to remember that if things don't pan out the way you want them to. 

Good Luck.
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jambrose11 Jan 2020
Sort of helpful emotionally,but as sister of nonresiding selfish POA who created chaos and destruction just because it was convenient to her and she wanted to be done with her duties,it is not just stuff. Besides memories associated with the items,the access to them or loss of them unnecessarily,represents Power-who has it and who does not.
Some people are just very greedy and selfish or involved as humans and the nicer more reasonable one will never get through unless it is done through the police and/or courts. Sad but true!
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It depends on the people involved. If your sister is spiteful you may have to resign yourself to not getting them. If your mom is capable have her write a list and give it to her or maybe she’ll let you take them now. My mother gave my cousin stuff I particularly asked if I could have, like my grandmothers bed , because she had an “old house” and “it fit better there” ( When I asked, she acted happy I wanted them and my house is well over 100 years old , older than my cousin’s lol) . I just chalk it up to her narcissistic and abusive personality and moved on. You can’t worry about stuff you have no control over.
Helpful Answer (5)
marymary2 Jan 2020
Jannner: Our mothers are alike and Florida, if you mean your relationship with your sister (or mother) are tumultuous, then I agree with Janner's advice: move on. I watched my mother give so much away that I asked for or was promised. It actually gave her and my sister joy to see me upset so I've had to turn off any feelings for things. Hopefully you'll be able to not turn off all your feelings for anything (like me) as you turn it off for the memories. It's especially hard if you moved around in childhood (like me) as you don't have the people or places as momentos. Wishing you peace.

On a side note for the parents out there with children both with and without children of their own. Don't not give to the childless person on the theory that they don't need anything. That's what my mother did to me (though I wanted children) and it made me feel worthless. Just because someone isn't married or a parent doesn't mean they wouldn't enjoy Grandma's salad dish or some childhood books.
You can talk to your sister and ask to be allowed to come see if there is anything you want for sentimental reasons.
Helpful Answer (2)
marymary2 Jan 2020
Note to Florida: watch how your sister reacts to your request. If she reacts negatively, you may want to reconsider how much you want her in your life.
I think the best course of action it to try to mend your relationship with your sister even if it means being the bigger person. POA doesn’t give you the right to go in to her house and take things (I am not saying you would try to do that). In order to take legal action you would have to prove what belongings she has. So really I think the best thing you can do is try to let bygones be bygones & try to fix the relationship with your sister and get to a place where you can discuss your mother’s belongings and when to go through everything together. Even if your sister is the bad guy here, prepare to be the bigger person. Good luck!
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Good luck but situations like this are usually a hopeless case. Unfortunately, your sister holds the cards and she doesn’t sound like someone that you will be able to reason with. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with this. Many of us have siblings that are rotten to the core.

Sending a bazillion hugs your way! 💗
Helpful Answer (7)
jambrose11 Jan 2020
You are so correct! I have 2 horribly egocentric poa sisters who have put my brother,my family,my cats(1 was stolen),and me through hell so they could be Done with inconvenient demands on them by my dad.
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Sorry the relationship is rocky. Sounds as tho your Mom lives with this sister? She is then doing her best. I think you should simply offer support. Visit. Ask Mom if she would like to make a scrapbook with you? Try to get some memories that way. When my Mom died I sent all the albums they had in the mail. ALL WERE LOST save the few I tucked in a book and took home myself, including a wonderful wonderful album my Mom had made for my Dad of his old girlfriends! That one hurt the most. I would go through them saying "Dad, you are lucky you didn't marry HER". In any case, my heart was broken. But my partner was right when he told me "Al, you will look at those twice more in your life, and then pass them down, and NO ONE WILL CARE". He is right. We are leaves on the tree. I think this when I go to junk sales which I love, and find entire families left to the vagaries of fate. THE TIME IS NOW. You have a living Mom and a living SISTER. (unless I missed it and your Mom already passed). Give them love and honor now. Appreciate their beauty (and all the other stuff too) now. If indeed your Mom is gone, then ask your sister with love, if she could share with you some of the memories. If she is angry and unable, let it go, and move on.
Helpful Answer (9)

I think, because the relationship is rocky, you might be out of luck.
But still, there are a couple of approaches that *might* work --

Straightforward: "Sis, I've been thinking about a few sentimental things of mom's: Gr'ma's sewing basket, Gr'pa's woodworking set, what ever . . . .and thought it might be nice to have them if you were not planning to keep them" Sort of thing.

And you can play that two ways -- one, asking for the things you truly do want, or two, asking for things you don't care so much about .. . . to test her and see what she does (Oh, that old thing, I already donated it to Goodwill, . . . . or she disposes of it after learning you wanted it -- depends on how mean she is and this will test that and let you know :)

Or sneaky: You could wait until your next visit and go the route of "Gosh, sis this sorting through stuff is going to be overwhelming, let's get started on it while I'm here" and promptly "Sort" the things you care about first . . . right into your vehicle.

I'm assuming all this parting with things would be ok with your mom though.

Also, if any of these plans get your sister riled up and she throws out a "Just take it all then if you want" type of temper tantrum . . . jump on it before she cools off and DO take the items that are important to you. She'll change her mind, and maybe get rid of them once she cools off. That is the only way my sister and I have possession of my Great Gr'ma's quilts and several other sentimental items of my dads -- turning an temper tantrum ultimatum to our own good use ;)

Best of luck, I'm the sentimental one in the family, so I really feel your heart on this {{{hugs}}}
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