She is not happy with this. My wife and I and my sister have been caring for my mom. However we are getting burned out and mom is needed care all day now. We discussed this with her. At first she was totally against it. Then she just gave up. But now it is time to do it and i want to make this a good transition.
Try to arrange for a consistent team of care givers. Stay with them and introduce them to the way your mom likes things done. Discover for yourselves if any of them are rigid about how things should be done; you don't need someone like that.
Make sure that the caregivers have specific tasks to do laundry, bathing, cooking, etc. Assure your mom that she can ask for things ( a cup of tea, a blanket or sweater) but that it's not her job to direct the caregivers ( how I wish someone had told us that).
Check in with mom when you visit about how this is working. Let her vent, this is not like having family around. If she identifies problems, do what you can to solve them or at least look into them. " I'll take care of that Mom", seems to be all our mom needs to hear, even if we don't actually do anything.
Also, your mom doesn't have to entertain her caregivers. They're not there on a social call, they're there to work. Mom shouldn't feel any pressure to entertain.