Bad fall, broken neck, had major surgery, in home now partial paralized in neck brace confined to wheel chair.
Need in home care for help to do food shopping, dr. appts. preparing meals. On SS no money left use after paying essentials
need in home help, laundry, cooking,
transportation, dressing, rehab. learn to walk again,
dog walking service dog
need glasses
need dentures
have to pay hospital bills
need to pay for medications and office vists every month
***state keeps giving market place, share of cost insurance with monthly share cost of $897 I have no extra money each month to pay $1 towards share***
everyone tells me I need straight medicaid
they keep jerking in circles how do I get Medicaid and no run around before I get hurt more and die ???
*need mobilty scooter
I have a sinking feeling that you already have a case manager but you are fed up with being sent from pillar to post and back again?
How long since you were discharged home? Were you not given rehab, and if not, why not? Do you have any support from friends or family?