My mom uses excessive amounts of toilet paper which is a problem, but especially difficult during this pandemic since it's so hard to find toilet paper. We have septic tanks and have already had to have major plumbing done so now we use only one ply. Any suggestions what to do? I've discussed this with her many, many times but I think she is in early dementia and she is not retaining what I say AND she refuses to use depends or anything like that.
Thinking it through:
Is she pulling off too much by accident?
Is she finding the roll hard to manipulate?
Does she not feel comfortable without a sizeable pad in her grip?
Is she anxious that she isn't 1000000% clean?
If you can figure out some idea of what she's thinking when she ignores your explanations and carries on regardless, you might be able to get to the root of the matter and stop it that way.
I have not seen a single package of toilet paper sold for weeks.
You could also pre-tear off the toilet paper sheets and place only a few "sets" by the toilet. Seems like a lot of work but if you’re worried about an expensive plumbing bill it might be worth it
-Get Cottonelle/alternative brand toileting wipes.
-Get a Diaper Genie to toss the Cottonelle wipes (yes, they are flushable, but if she's overusing - you see the issue).
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