Hi mom has Alzheimer's and I am her poa I'm extremely concerned about her she is down to 100 lbs. and our family dr doesn't seem to care and his nurse is a mean woman she doesn't let me ask for mom to have a different neuropathy medicine because mom hasn't been to see the dr in 6 months I mailed the dr a letter last week but haven't heard back from him any advice?
You can either get her to her doctor or call 911 and have her taken to the emergency room where she’ll get the medical care she needs.
The only other option is to let her waste away and die. It’s up to you.
How long has Mom had Alzheimers?
Is this a new sudden loss of weight? Or a steady decline?
Are you wanting investigations? Are you wanting curative treatments for any ailments or diseases that get identified?
Have you thought about whatedical treatments or interventions may be beneficial vs be burdonsome, or futile at Mom's stage of life?
Or, ask her current doctor if he has a visiting nurse or Physician's Assistant that can be sent out.
I sure wish you good luck.